He 115 C-1 | War Thunder Wiki - How do I land hydroplanes

null He 115 C-1 | War Thunder Wiki

Can I land hydroplanes on Rivera that are nearby to base If I want to refuel, rearm and repair or I have to land in the airfield ?

The airfield repair zone is very small and stops on the hill right outside it, you have to land your plane on the airfield if you want to repair and rearm

What Percussion said, if you struggle with this, try slow down to 120 knots before “pancaking” from a few feet off the ground (obviously with flaps)

on the airfeild

Technically seen you need to land on the airfield (as mentioned) very gently or you get a map with a friendly aircraft carrier like on Hokkaido; there it is enough to do a water landing very close to the carrier and you get repaired / rearmed / refueled.

Ofc you can also try to land on the carrier but it takes a while to get enough practice to avoid crashing into the tower. The advantage of a carrier landing is an air spawn after the repair like on the regular airfield. Seeing your low number of battles i do not recommend this…

Btw: Use the C 250 Flamm, 2 kill a base - 2 SC 250 or 1 x SC 500 not…

FYI, a single Flamm bomb can kill a base, even though it takes a long time. For the HE 115, I suggest playing Arcade since it’s easier to re-load.