Has top tier (10.0+) simply become premium-fest?

I don’t know how to feel about it, but recently (because of the sales ofc) my matches have been literally filled to the brim with full premium teams, on both sides. I press tab and see 6 PVOs, 4 Type 90 Fuji, a myriad of t-72s and t-80s which I can’t even identify anymore lol

Issues I have with this are the following:

  1. A lot of these players are new resulting in extremely short and one sided battles as they tend to die very quickly and very often don’t even have a proper lineup (gotta love seeing the 2.3 backup tanks at 11.3)

  2. A lot of high tier premiums (or event vehicules) are simply horrible to face and are only “fine” because they’re on both teams. Things like PVOs, BMP-2M, the Vilkas or other light vehicles with fantastic firepowers for the only drawback of having no armor and sometimes bigger profiles are fine when you face one of them, not 5 of them.

  3. The amount of t-72s/t-80s pattern tanks at the BR is ridiculous. I wish I had saved the screenshot but this week I had a game with both teams (at the time in the match) composed of something like 12+ t-72s/t-80s and I get that the minuscule maps favor greatly these type of tanks by design but I’d like to face something else sometimes.

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Dont play around the 11.7 range its unplayable rn


Seems like a fun match you’re having there 💀


Its so bad ive gone down to 9.7 to spade a hunter. I hate how the hunter plays