Harrier T.10 - Countermeasure balance issue

Which, with any luck, might make demonstrating the issue easier than it is currently.

Its just determining a methodology for proving there is an issue, or spelunking in the code and demonstrating the cause.

Probably wouldnt hurt to have a formal and more detailed explanation on how IR signatures work. Gunjob got the basic run down before, but it wasnt overly clear.


True but now they make nearly the same thrust while going fast.

There isn’t a single feature correct about them.

I won’t be surprised if the HUD is still broken after the new update.


That, I fully plan to do some butt kicking for if its wrong. But I’ve had moderate amount of success bug reporting HUD related issues, so im not overly worried so long as the issues are easily replicable.

I have my fingers crossed SIM is what I’ve started playing mostly and half that HUD doesn’t even work so it would be near impossible to use.

If they still don’t give the Frs.1 EEGS after all of this I don’t even know what to say, its like they actually have something against the Harrier.

I haven’t seen any other plane require so much crap to just get a change.

Im desparetely hoping that the reason for not giving them it was due to the lack of proper HUD for it and now it has the actual HUD (with an A2A mode) we’ll finally see the full EEGS.

Would require some radar changes as well.

If they don’t give them that I’ll be very disappointed.

From a generic standpoint if someone passed of an E-M diagram about the F-15 pulling 1.5-2G less than It should that would have been changed immediately like next day they would be working on it. The Harrier though, they do nothing.
Not many people actually play the Shar to be fair.

Probably not, at least not that much. Anything that needs to be coded probably already is on the FA2.

Different radar though, or would it just be as simple as copy paste the EEGS code onto the blue fox.

Should just be the EEGS code, which is the same gun, location on the airframe and the same airframe

Everything else should be largely irrevelant

(Though dont quote me on that)

That’s good news. Its not like they really have to try they can just do.

My bigger concern is if they consider it a “balancing issue”

Hardly could see that but if they did I would flip.

Not even enough people play it to gather data lol.

Kinda sad honestly, they should be just about equal.