Harrier gr7 is too low

12.3 for something with aim9m bruh

We have a topic for Harrier II airframes already;

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thats a 1000 post long technical data discussion nothing br related

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It was 11.7 when the cap was 13.0 and it’s 12.3 with the 13.7 cap. Other planes around that BR get IRCCM missiles (R-73, Magic II), and the GR.7 is subsonic with no radar or HMS

yeah a su25 gets r73 at 12.3 …
only mirage 2k gets a irccm missile at 12.3 and 12.0 but only 2 of them and its short range
harrier has basically infinite flares and aim9m it should go up to 12.7

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No everything involving the Harrier’s are discussed there.

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You mean 4 Su-25s (one at 11.3, two at 11.7, and one at 12.3) and the Bison


su25 are bricks and r73 doesnt do anything for them
mig21 bison gets only 2 r73s and its a mig21
harrier is immune to those r73s because it can preflare the whole match and still have enough to spam flares

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So we agree that the platform is a factor then? Cause like I said, the GR.7 is subsonic. The engine is optimised for lower speeds ‘cause VTOL and while it turns well initially you do bleed speed quite quickly.

R-73s have the FoV-based IRCCM, below a certain range the seeker won’t even be able to see the flares being dropped, especially considering that the BOL rails are out on the wings. R-73 and AIM-9M both have windows where they can be defeated.

Also guns exist.

Then there’s what the GR.7 can face, currently in a (slight) uptier it fights F-16s with AIM-9Ms, MiG-29s, iirc it can face the first Su-27, and it also fights the AV-8B+ which gets AMRAAM along with its 9Ms. It also has no BVR option, and at 12.7 it would be uptiered against things that can both beat it in a dogfight and smack it out of the sky with fox-3 before it ever gets within 9M range.

Edit: Harriers are also incredibly hot despite not having afterburners, combine that with the relatively low luminosity of BOL flares and it’s not as resistant to IR missiles as you’d think, especially from rear aspect

somehow the same harrier just with amraam is 0.7 higher and they dont complain there
if you turn on periodic flare r73 wont even be able to lock you

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You must be new here… the SHar FA.1 is a Harrier 1 that can take 4 AMRAAM if you don’t take 9Ms or guns and it’s 13.0. It’s a pretty bad experience.

The AV-8B+ has a better airframe, and can take 4 AMRAAM + 2 AIM-9M + GAU-12. The 9Ms can be slaved to its radar so you don’t necessarily have to get your nose pointed at whatever you want to kill. Even then it’s still (significantly) outclassed in uptiers. You’re asking the GR.7 to be moved just one BR step below that, despite having none of the things that got the 8B+ uptiered.

Edit: so yea, people do complain about the AMRAAM Harriers

Edit 2: so just flew a few games, about half the 9Ms I fired got flared, for the rest some ppl didn’t flare at all and some people didn’t flare correctly. I had an RB24J ignore my flares in rear aspect. In a couple turns I went from just over 1000kph to just under 600 and was still losing speed, and couldn’t really follow anything into the vertical without becomng a sitting duck for other players. And because of the low-speed optimisation I mentioned I took a while to get that speed back.

jarvis, show me this dudes stats

Probably won’t help cause I mostly used it in GRB

it was in relation to the original post lmao, theres no way this guy is complaining about a subsonic radarless aircraft that sits above 12.0 in ARB without it being bait

Ahhhh mb

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lack of radar isnt an issue
it being subsonic actually helps it dodge fox3’s too
it has enough flares to be safe from ir missiles
its only danger are radar missiles guided by pd and guns

it being subsonic also just lets people get in close for guns, not to mention that it flies like a brick compared to almost everything else at the br, meaning if someone really wants you dead with guns then you’re just dead

Sure. When we get buffed BOL and overhauled IR signatures so you aren’t as hot as the sun. Not too mention the placeholder F-111 MAWS.

I’m of the opinion it’s over-BRed by quite a bit