Ground vehicle internal modules - Feedback and Discussion

In the past few updates, a lot of vehicles have gotten their interior modules modeled in the game. This was a pretty highly anticipated feature to come to the game which would help make a lot of light vehicles easier to kill. However its implementation is kind of sub-optimal…

First off, you have a lot of different modules of the same type that have a shared health pool and functionality. This can be an issue when for example your APU gets knocked out but your vehicle’s batteries are intact. This basically cripples your vehicle despite the fact that there would be multiple redundencies to avoid that.

For example, the Namer’s Power System includes an APU, four batteries and… a radiator?

Taking out the APU, the radiator or one battery makes the entire turret inoperable despite having multiple other batteries still intact.

Another example with the Namer is how if one of its cameras that the infantry in the vehicle uses to observe the surrounding area gets damaged, it will disable IRST and the LWR despite it not being related to either of those systems in any way. (How does a camera getting destroyed disable the LWR???)

Similarly, the HSTVL has an autoloader that consists of two pieces. However if the bottom piece of the autoloader gets destroyed (red circle), you are unable to fire despite the actual loading part and drum still having some ammo inside of it…

TL;DR: While overall this is a good feature, it is kind of poorly implemented and requires further work to be brought up to the standards of other game mechanics.