yeah that bracket is unfair asf, but it’s still annoying as hell being swarmed by Z-19s and KA50s off spawn where they out range all spaa for that bracket (except maybe one)
the M247 and veak are in range; yeah good, but they are also abhorrent in terms of accuracy, their radars have lock away and the m247 has very limited amount of rounds
the Z-19 is 10.3 in sim.
TY-90s are quite literally unflareable, and pull more than any heli missile in the game (this is excluding the aim9m and aim9l since they are plane missiles) and also if you get your MWS set off and still stay sat in the middle of the air it’s a skill issue.
i can dual spawn an F-16C with a full load twice, and dome ALL the enemy team. that is not balanced. first spawn btw.
even possible in the vilkas, i do it from time to time, hardly hits but it makes them dive veeery briefly.
Sure but that’s kinda pointless isn’t it?
We aren’t talking about RB but sim. So the comparision isn’t how strong is a vehicle compared to the other vehicles. Bit how strong is it compared to it’s real life counterpart.
And the gap in capabilities between a mouse aimed WT tank to it’s real life counterpart is muuuuch larger than with (most) aircraft. Same woth helicopters, the get supernatural assists in WT as well making the overperfrom.
Except for multiturreted bombers with bombsights, the aircraft get very few.supernatural assists.
So in that sense they are very weak, even if they have large loadouts.
Again you cannot judge a shooter like RB. That lense isn’t applicaplble since sim isn’t about how powerful something is, but how well it is represented.
And aircraf tget the least crutches by a country mile.
Kamov tards pretending they aren’t the most handheld players in the game. Go back to RB, since you’re just playing Arcade+ Helis in Sim anyway.
While i think that the vikhrs Performance is dubious.
I do not think kamov players are the most handheld players in Ground SB. They might be the ones that profit the most from the handholding, bit that isn’t the same as having their hand held the most.
Those award would got to the entire range of ground vehicles as they get by far the most assists and crutches. There isn’t a single task gaijin lets you do in sim without the instructor doing it for you.
It’s almost like gaijin thinks people that want to play a tank sim are too inept to do it soo it’s better to give them a shooter instead… The state of ground vehicles in ground simulator battles is just sad.
kinda pointless? are you aware on what this thread is even about lol? aircraft is broken in ground sim, also in wt realism goes out of the window.
also you make like zero sense. if it’s realism then they should fix american planes missing thrust, F-14B with aim-9M, SEPV2 with M829A3, T-90M with VACUUM, YAK141 and SMT with R77.
you are going on about realism and “b-but muh real life counterpart!!” when that is NOT what this thread is about.
Realism in wt is fine for fixed wong aircraft. That’s tge entrie point.
But yes your thread is pointless it belongs to something like RB, a shooter.
Do you even realize how much handholding happens for tanks compared to all other vehicles in ground SB?
That would fall under the umbrella of accuracy or authenticity not realism. Realism is just about what is physically possible. A F-14B without aim9m is possible therefore it is realistic. Hell even concept aircraft that never flew can be 100% realistic.
You are confusing realosm with historical accuracy.
My highest br plane is a zero. How am I supposed to gun them down? That is the whole problem, not everyone have planes at that high brs and even the tools you get as a ground only player (SPAA) don’t work against them
I think you’re forgetting what kind of helicopters is used in the bracket we’re talking about…
The AH-1G entered service in 1967, it doesn’t have any cool gadgets like a warning system, onboard guidance systems for its weaponry.
The QN506 is from 2018…
If you don’t see the issue here I’m afraid we don’t have anything to discuss.
You telling me to maneuver is borderline like making a man with broken legs to shake it off.
Please don’t be absurd.
AH-1G is 8.0, QN506 is 10.0. If you’re spawning a 8.0 heli in 10.0 matches the blame is on you so i won’t even argue. Ofcourse you get shot down.
Yes, it takes a lot of effort to dodge those missiles. The whole system is highly specialized in killing nothing but helicopters. You aren’t gonna dodge their main weapon with a slight slide to the left in a hover.
The mistake most fighter jets make when attacking helicopters is that the activate their radar, alerting the helonto their presence.
If they don’t get an rwr ping they usually don’t look for planes. The zero would actually work fine. But sadly it isn’t allowed on the lineups woth helicopters
In a lineup with Ka50, you can use Roland and Adaz to shoot them down, while NATO also has Tiger UHT. If you try to play with Warsaw Treaty vehicles, you will find the same problem, always being killed by Tiger HUT without warning
Sigh… Again, its not RB we’re talking about…
I don’t choose the SB brackets, but I’m glad that we agree, the QN506 shouldn’t be in the 8.0 bracket.
You dont see the issue with how different the weapon system works inbetween the 2 vehicles?
Best lineup overview I know off.
If the OP was talking about 10_2, then yep that bracket suck for West in every category.