Multination Teams would help. Why can’t I field a german SPAA, an italian plane and a japanese tank together in 1_1 to 6_1? 3 players doing the same is identical to 3 players playing each nation.
The 3 vehicle limit should also be tweaked. In a 6v6 game it should be 18 spawns vs 18. People leave after 1 death but other players do well but are forced out after 3 deaths, why can’t they use the 2 ‘spare’ spawns? If Im doing great on a single spawn why can’t I ‘donate’ one of my spawns to someone else so they can help? Matches are often decided not on skill but whether people stay or leave.
Allow double spawning for each vehicle instead of requiring a backup… this would REALLY help players with limited lineups, especially premium players.
If a player is TKd within 1 minute of spawning give the player 1 of his killers vehicle spawns and allow him to restart with the same vehicle.
It could also be argued that 3 vehicles isn’t enough. Make it 4 with 1500 spawn points.
Death cams should be removed… and arguably the kill feed too.
Players appear on the map when you spawn for too short a time. Double it and enemies also appear on the map in spawn far too quickly, make that even longer…
Increase the spawn protection time AND distance you can move.
Allow light tanks to scout… halve the time the player appears on the map.
One of the biggest and easiest change would just be putting an ‘info screen’ up when you’re waiting on a game. Explaining the rotation, that FRIENDLY FIRE is ON, t41/other simple comms, Radar IFF, etc etc.
New players try sim once, kill a team mate in spawn, get yelled at/ridiculed in chat and never play again… TKs happen in the middle of the map, which is fine (mostly). TKs in spawn often result in 2 players leaving within 30 seconds.
You can make ALL these changes without needing to balance vehicles or alter maps.