Ground Simulator Battles Remake/Revamp

If you would like to see Ground Simulator be remade/revamped please vote, me and a friend were discussing ground simulator and were thinking that it should get updated to possibly feature; multicrew, larger maps depending on BR and just a huge overhaul on the game mode as we think it feels too much like Realistic battles.

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At minimum Ground Simulator maps should be far larger. The largest ground vehicle maps total out to 18km2 on European Province, Surroundings of Volokomosk, Fields of Poland, the large Fulda layout, and Red Desert if you calculate strictly with the grid sizes. Personally these maps are good as is, but should be considered the ‘small’ areas for the machines of war we operate. Especially once you use Cold War era vehicles and newer, the ground vehicle areas should be at least doubled or greater in size.

I’m also all for changing the view system to something more along the line of Red Orchestra’s. Commander and Driver uses either the viewports while protected under armor, or can expose their body to small caliber fire or shrapnel to get a clearer view around the vehicle. Gunner is strictly gunsights or viewports, while Loader/s can similarly expose or be buttoned up when not doing their duty.

I have more, but I’m keeping it short for now.


Simulator ground needs better rewards, long matches possibly huge maps with bots and user created sessions. Gameplay overall is ok.


Larger maps and smaller BR ranges would be good. Also would be nice if more brackets were available. Some days I want to play GSB but there isnt a bracket I enjoy


Most important change is making it actually playable.

The current lineup system means it’s impossible to progress exclusively in GSB - your chosen tank/rank may only be available on a single day the whole week. This makes GSB unplayable until you have everything researched for the WW2 or post-war ranges.

This is especially egregious as it can significantly restrict players who can only play on specific days. It might lead to more than a week until they can play their lineup again.


the snail tried BR matchmaking at 2018 or 2019 as I remembered, but the sim cheese players made a shxt voting to boycott the changing.
and the sim mode lineup is pure shxt since that.
just copy the BR of RB mode into sim mode and start another ±1 BR based sim game mode won’t kill the game.
the currently sim mode is too stupid, mixed 9.3 with 11.0 vehicles is totally insane.


Agree with everything but this

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Sim ground lineups used to be handmade and followed a somewhat reasonable logic regarding time period and capability, but that was short lived after 2016-2017. And the matchmaker voting for Sim Ground was strongly in favor for implementing it, but Gaijin closed the voting after a week and never announced the decision even when pressed.

Besides, vehicles that have a low rating in RB can and usually are used to greater effect in Sim due to no hovering markers above them, along with players needing a level of competence in their recognition of vehicles… Along with knowledge of their own vehicle’s capability.

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fair enough, we were thinking it could possibly be a separate choice that the player could make

Multination Teams would help. Why can’t I field a german SPAA, an italian plane and a japanese tank together in 1_1 to 6_1? 3 players doing the same is identical to 3 players playing each nation.

The 3 vehicle limit should also be tweaked. In a 6v6 game it should be 18 spawns vs 18. People leave after 1 death but other players do well but are forced out after 3 deaths, why can’t they use the 2 ‘spare’ spawns? If Im doing great on a single spawn why can’t I ‘donate’ one of my spawns to someone else so they can help? Matches are often decided not on skill but whether people stay or leave.

Allow double spawning for each vehicle instead of requiring a backup… this would REALLY help players with limited lineups, especially premium players.

If a player is TKd within 1 minute of spawning give the player 1 of his killers vehicle spawns and allow him to restart with the same vehicle.

It could also be argued that 3 vehicles isn’t enough. Make it 4 with 1500 spawn points.

Death cams should be removed… and arguably the kill feed too.

Players appear on the map when you spawn for too short a time. Double it and enemies also appear on the map in spawn far too quickly, make that even longer…

Increase the spawn protection time AND distance you can move.

Allow light tanks to scout… halve the time the player appears on the map.

One of the biggest and easiest change would just be putting an ‘info screen’ up when you’re waiting on a game. Explaining the rotation, that FRIENDLY FIRE is ON, t41/other simple comms, Radar IFF, etc etc.

New players try sim once, kill a team mate in spawn, get yelled at/ridiculed in chat and never play again… TKs happen in the middle of the map, which is fine (mostly). TKs in spawn often result in 2 players leaving within 30 seconds.

You can make ALL these changes without needing to balance vehicles or alter maps.


I proposed this and it was instantly removed, so I guess we can’t have nice things

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in 8_2 you have a range of 2.3 to 7.7

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Lineup system is much better for the SGB then the RB style match maker. Problem is that Gaijin does not maintain it and does not use all its possible advantages.


I agree with this,
I would love to see some bots, and much larger maps, I like the larger maps in general, and would love to see more maps like second battle of El Alamein. I think these large maps may also help simulate the reality of tank on tank warfare, as most of the time your target isn’t with 1000 meters, and you miss your shots on them without calibration These would really make it feel more like a simulator, as in the current state it is basically ground RB but no third person view.


I tried to get them to rebalance some vehices in the BR updates but no vehicles were ever changed so I gave up.

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