Ground SB has to be more immersive

So did I. Aircraft were in the mode since 1.43.

Even at the launch of 1.41 they said that OBT will be “mainly” tank vs. tank with occasional tests of aircraft.

the reason why Ground Sim is less successful is because of the rotation.
a tank type is only available 24h in Sim while the same tank is permanently available in RB. that’s the reason. but Ground Sim is not dead.


Then call one thing sim short for simulator and the other SB for the name “simulator battles” since sb is not a sim for ground vehicles… But ok i get your point. I just think calling it hardcore is misleading. We really are talking entry level here.

As stated before the best solution is just to delete sb gf.

I disagree, mission design is just as important as controls. Mission design defines gameplay. IL2 Tank Crew would still be arcade if it had battle royale as it’s main game mode or the domination game mode we have in War Thunder. Look at Squad, it wouldn’t be half as immersive if it had team deathmatch as the main game mode.

Controls are already good enough. They could be improved, for example by introducing aiming system from Steel Beasts/GHPC and adjusting the camera for commander’s view, but that’s less important than game modes, maps and matchmaking. Mouse aim doesn’t break the immersion for me as much as seeing M51 in a WW2 tank or doing search and destroy and patrol missions in a tank. There also are no dedicated devices for tank input, pilots have HOTAS and rudder pedals.

Air sim has big differences in controls, but also big mission design differences, that’s why it’s somewhat alive. It would share the same fate as ground sim if it was just air rb with full real controls, only 1st person view and no spotting system. Even air rb players are asking for EC to make air rb more realistic.


I have to correct myself. Distance makes a fight possible (instead of just one tank killing the other first) because it makes you less accurate. It’s much less likely you will one shot a tank. What i was talking about is in the context of War Thunder.

Repair is also unrealistic, it’s too fast and too effective, a completely destroyed engine can be repaired in under a minute in the field with a wrench. It should be changed for sim, but only if the game mode got changed.

No it would still be a sim. Since it follows the sim Definition of one system (a computer program) emulating another in that case tank combat faithfully. The context of the combat is irrelevant for this to be true or not.

So no mission design really is irrelevant if it doesn’t break physics. Yes it is more immersive with authentic missions.but it doesn’t make it more of a sim nor more realistic as both are not defined by authenticity.

Dude they are worse than the vehicle controls of GTA V… That’s not good enough that is a desaster.

I disagree simnwas alive even back when it used the same missions as RB. Mission design was never it’s problem.

I think modeled interiors like in Arma would be amazing to see here.

Controls, especially in older tanks, would be better with something like Hell Let Loose (isn’t there another game with a similar control scheme?)

I tried ground sim once and laughed. Not tried to again, it was hot garbage. The top mounted view felt so awkward and dumb. It doesn’t feel like a commander turned out, just a floating camera. Then in an engagement who’s commander is turned out!?

We should see more attention to detail in tanks, like we do in air. Air sim also needs a lot of love, which I doubt it will ever get - like here…


Oh yeah… I remember joining the ground forces closed beta. I was exited. War Thunder becoming a sim for so many things.

I was soo exited. The claustrophobic atmosphere in a cramped ww2 tank, the tension it was gonna be soo good.

I played aces high 2, and thought war thunder was going down a similar route (world war was proposed as well, that also was a desaster)

Then i played it…
To this day it is one of my biggest disappointments when it comes to gaming. Tanks are just bad as vehicles in war thunder sb.

The only reason for tanks to exist in SB imho is to be more immersive targets for CAS. But other than that they do not simulate anything other than targets.
Without aircraft this mode has no reason to exist.
Changing maps won’t change this.


Just to be clear, I’m for the controls/gameplay changes you’re talking about. The commander’s view camera is awkward and doesn’t feel like commander’s view, it’s just a zoomed in 3rd person view. When you’re outside the commander should be visible outside and killable. Tank interiors would also be cool.

I just feel like map and game mode changes are more important right now, but that’s my opinion. The main message I want to convey is that ground sim has to be more realistic and immersive for it to succeed. Not more casual. Let’s not do friendly fire here if you also think that way.

The only thing I’m not sure about are tanks controlled by 3 players (commander, gunner, driver). I don’t know if I really want it.


That really isn’t necessary, this problem has already been solved if you look at the plethora of more realistic tank games.

That’s just dressing up a pig. Is it better? Yes, but not really you still won’t be able to play anything resembling a tank. So what’s the point?

Focussing on the gameplay first instead, we at least get proper tanks even if it is on smaller maps. But at least they are tanks.


Yeah, I agree with this here.

In ground sim at least, the maps don’t mean anything yet. The gameplay itself needs to be fixed, and then we can make maps more interesting.

Cool maps with shitty mechanics is no fun at all.


Maybe you are right.

I focused so much on maps and matchmaking, because I’m starving for long range engagements in well armored, historical tanks. I have been playing World of Tanks and War Thunder for almost 10 years, so you can imagine how starved I am.

At this point I don’t care that much how, but I just want a realistic scenario, with no b******t. I have recently discovered that IL2 Tank Crew is pvp, but I need to gather more data to buy it, because it’s expensive and graphics look barely acceptable to me. Steel beasts are also expensive, have much worse graphics and on top of that they might be overwhelming. Both games worry me with lack of UI as well. Squad is very realistic, but also looks like a living game, maybe i just didn’t watch enough IL2/Steel beasts videos though. Unfortunately tanks in Squad have poor damage models, better than in Arma, but still.

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I surely agree with new improves for SB,

But I doubt that developers will do something on this almost non populated game mode.

I play SB and I really wanted new improves.

I prefer SB over RB because it’s more quiet, less CAS and etc, plus extra rewards, but something that’s broke SB is the vehicle rotation that limits the players to a few selected during a whole day period.

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Gqijin screwed up tanks almost 10years ago.

The flaws are fundamental and it would need a complete overhaul of the tank implementation. With all this new technologies this is just way to great a task.

The one good thing that came from tanks in SB was that Gaijin actually learned from it. Helicopters were made to a much higher detail than tanks. And with ships they realized it wasn’t worth the effort and the just didn’t make a SB mode for them.

The clean solution would be to do it like they did with the navy. Just delete it. But there are too many players invested in the mess that is tank sb, due to the fact it has a lesser threat of CAS.

SB GF is in desperate need of a cleansing fire.

I am in favor of the following Ground SB improvements:

  1. introduction of a hatch open/ hatch close function. see screenshots.
  • when the hatch is closed we look through our small windows.
  • when the hatch is open, we have a better overview and can use our binoculars. the commander is vulnerable up there.
  • SPAA and various vehicles do not have this function, of course.
  1. no more rotation
  • the lineups run in parallel. all vehicles are permanently available.
  1. an even clearer separation between WW2 and Cold War vehicles in the lineups.
  • for example no more E.B.R. (1951) and no more PT-76 against Axis WW2 tanks…
  • Reduction of captured loot vehicles.
  1. separation between WW2 and Cold War maps
  • WW2 vehicles with WW2 lineup only on WW2 maps
  • Cold War vehicles only on Cold War maps.

here the screenshots:


I absolutely concur with this. I still really want to see modeled interior, but this would be a great start/placeholder.

I do think that a turned out commander needs to be fully susceptible to getting whacked. So if you are engaged and remained turned out, that’s on you.


Also heat shells to a turned out commander… 😂

exactly. to make ground sim better we need more “tank feeling”. the tightness in the tank and the vulnerability of the commander when the hatch is open provides more tank feeling.
the third person in RB is just awful.



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It Is so dead, that online in gsb only increasing since 2013.

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