Ground RB is the single most miserable, noob-unfriendly gamemode I have ever played in a video game

yeah just dont tbh, i hit my skill peak at 6.3 GRB, from that point I just play air

I’ll have a look, thanks !

No it’s not weird. I love the anti air part of the game, and find it a challenge to defend the team from enemy air and will start out with a SPAA. You’re contributing to your team, by being a nuisance to enemy vehicles (destroying gun barrels, tracks, killing light vehicles like M18 or Pumas, side or rear shooting some tanks) plus ridding the sky of CAS.
Russia has some decent anti air, with the BTR and M59 my mid tier favourites. I just have extra backups to ensure that I can roll extras out depending on the match.
Don’t worry about tank aspect, and just find a play style that you enjoy.

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Bro you really rose this thread from the grave 5 months late to talk down to a new player. They haven’t even been on the forums in 4 months. This is like going to a middle school science fair to point out inaccuracies in some little kid’s school project to feel bigger.


Uh, you would be wrong. Some of us do play it for money. Cause we cannot tolerate Top Tier being in shambles right now. Another thing in game Tutorials serves little benefit.

Aside from that the first pinned one has a statement that says that winning should be your main focus. Which is false. Capturing the Points and defending them should be your main focus, Winning is secondary. So long you can play defensively until they run dry of adequate equipment that is when you go on the offensive. Since it forces them to play defensively, a lot of players will likely not pay attention, meaning they are still stuck in an offensive mindset.

If you focus on Winning you become oblivious and start charging when your team isn’t winning.

If you’ve identified that sight of enemies is, for you, a complete game breaking issue, then simply go play arcade mode, where you have sight. Pretty simple fix. It’s not on average, across all players, an easier or harder game mode than RB, but for specifically a person who has identified sight of enemy as his sole major concern, for THAT person, it’s gonna be easier.

(edit: ugh this was a pointless necro, okay…)


And because such noobs and idiots like ts we are getting shitty mechanics in “war simulator”.

Don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Try 1st tier of the French. You think you have armor till you get endless 2.3 matchs. Oh and you never had guns or mobiliy.

I agree with you. All the guy has to do is go down some tiers to improve. People aren’t just farming lions. They’re farming battlepass tasks. He can get them done in arcade and go down a tier or two for RB. Also Russia is strong. hahaha

I’m alright now. Nothing really great, but I can somewhat hold my own. I mainly play SPAA now like the Gepard and Ozelot as they are some of the only vehicles I find fun. My K/D may not be great, but I am having a significantly better time than I was 5 months ago. I still get stomped, but when I do I know what I did wrong and how to improve and what not to do. Much more enjoyable nowadays.

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I am at a complete loss of words for how big of an asshole you are. No other way to put it. I came here to ask for help since i’m genuinely struggling and don’t know what to do and you decide the best recourse is to… insult me and tell me to uninstall?

I do wonder how low a person gets that they proceed to come on an online forum and insult a player who is asking for help / tips.

I am doing significantly better now due to the help from players on this forum. Am I good? Not really. Am I having significantly more fun than when I started? Absolutely. I didn’t want anything spoon-fed to me. I wanted to get genuinely good. And while I may not be good now, at least I got better from the advice here. Your stupid ass just barged in here yelling insults for no reason in a 5 month old thread.

I guarantee you you are not one bit sorry about being an ass since you are still being a dickhead. I came onto this forum for tips OUTSIDE of just “shoot weakspot.” I came into here for things such as best things to do at the start of a match, what to listen for, what to play to learn, reasons why I am doing bad, etc.

Unless you have some forbidden fucking knowledge inside the protection analysis i’m not seeing, then i’d recommend you get lost. You aren’t helping anyone here. You revived a 5 month old discussion (which NOBODY had very clearly visited for a long time) and decided to drop a “get good or uninstall” type comment.

The game does not give you map knowledge last time i checked in protection analysis last time. i checked or things other players tend to do that you can exploit.

(Also, protection analysis isn’t always accurate. In fact, there is quite. a large amount of items where it is inaccurate. See Obj 279.)

Local person with 53% win rate judges people for not “being the best player in the game” and “not memorizing the entire armor analyzer” etc. Okay, lol. Tale as old as time. Ever notice how it’s always the guys in like 7th place with 1 kill 1 assist that are the ones in chat going “Omg shit team, I never stood a chance with you all, what’s wrong with everyone” and so on? Not the person in 1st? Probably not, because you’re that guy

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it sounds like he’s here to do one thing, and thats complain.

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