Ground RB at 12.0 and higher should be all mixed

Arcade battles exist for arcade desires.

Why does it matter with how much copypaste is in the game

No your argument makes no sense, the point of arcade is not mixed battles its for quick mm/quick battles and low skill. The mixing of nations is not a major factor of the gamemode, its just there to make games queue faster. Arcade/Realistic/Sim are not IRL realism scales they are control realism scales as in the level of realism to control your vehicle not the realism in the battle compared to IRL.

I already utterly hate seeing bf109s when I’m flying america/britain vs germany/italy. Why are you flying U.S if you’re just gonna use a premium bf109…

I also hate the joys of both sides having mig-21(R-13) when flying my F8U-2 and how arcadified ARB matches got.

Ground doesn’t need that suck transplanted to it even more than it already has.

If anything, WT needs to fix the copy paste issue not exaggerate it.

Copy paste should only be for when nations are allies and are not going to fight each other. British shermans are fine. Italian ones are not so.

Yeah I hate it too but the game is like miles beyond the point where I can care anymore since every tree has so many copypasted vehicles

Also the Italian shermans in game are quite unique… they belong in game. That sort of concession is fine, its the needless rampant copypaste of identical vehicles that is the issue.

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I don’t mind it because it allows me to face a greater variety of aircraft.

I just wish it wasn’t the default, but rather it had a 50% chance of happening.

I whould love to see this. At least for Ground arcade battles as they are already mixed battles so why not mixed lineups?

@PompousMagnus Hi, Insults against members of the team is not tolerated. Consider this your only warning.

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Mind explaining how my post that was not breaking any rules, was breaking the rules in the first place? It was topical screen shots used to prove a point directly related to the forum topic.

WIth any luck, Italy and Britain just dominating the skies and raining hell from the Typhoon will help a bit with this.

Well, from what I’ve seen, Brimstones aren’t particularly… spectacular, so to say, xD.

I saw a video of a guy who launched 13 Brimstones on a TOR-M1 and, even though they all hit, didn’t even kill a single crew member… only damaged electronics.

Brimstones not even being modelled as regular FnFs doesn’t help either.

While Eurofighters will have to pick on targets one by one, Su-25s/Su-34s will still be launching five hundred cigarrettes- I mean Kh-38s simultaneously, and same for planes armed with Mavericks; both of which appear to be much more lethal in terms of damage, leaving aside the targeting.

I’ve seen mixed success from people running Brimstone 1s in the GR4 and that thing is a bus that has no hope at all if anything with A2A shows up. In fact, rarely can you survive spawning in if there is a Pantsir quick on the draw

But the Typhoon should be able to readily outclimb a Pantsir and assume high alt overwatch to rain AMRAAMs down onto aircraft and Paveways onto SPAA. But with the high speed and agility and the ability to blind fire Brimestones towards targets using IOG with the new map feature. They have a real chance of actually be far more usable. Also GMTI might come in handy.

But the big one. Typhoons should have Brimstone 2s, not 1s. Never used 1s. That is quite a major buff.

But even if the Typhoon is stuck space bombing. Few aircraft can quite happily climb to 50k ft and drop laser guided bombs at super sonic speeds, I knwo the GR4 barely manages 20k ft before it feels like it wants to fall out the sky

Because arcade already does it means it is bad for anyone looking to play realistic tank battles. You can just go play arcade for all of these features, which even you say you approve of. What’s the issue? If you’re gonna advocate making realistic more like arcade then what’s the point of these modes being separate?

I’m sure your view on what realistic/sim is/should be would be praised by all of the community.

We already have unrealistic matchups, so what’s wrong with having fully mixed matchmaking sometimes? Air has it most of the time and I don’t see a ton of complaints about it.

Mixed MM could allow for a better experience too. You’d be able to play USA top tier and not have to worry about clickbait teammates as much, and it could be more balanced in general.

I don’t like arcade due to the markers and annoying pen indicator.

Just because someone pissed on your carpet doesn’t mean you gotta burn the house down. Of course because you’re a US player you’re complaining about the abrams credit card players and win rates. I honestly don’t get what’s the big deal. This doesn’t sound like a gamemode issue. I feel that’s why Magnus made this. Also if you’re enjoying more the mechanics of arcade shouldn’t you advocate for changing that rather than realistic? Wasn’t there an option to disable the markers?

I don’t play US ground that much, but I just think it would be more enjoyable for everyone if the teams were balanced better. It would also make playing multi nation squads much easier.

There isn’t an option to disable markers in arcade, and I’m not going to advocate for their removal because it removes an arcade feature that makes the mode unique.

For the sake of balance? I don’t think tanks are unrealistically changed in the name of balance just because one is worse than the other by specifications. Mixed nations is a terrible idea and it’d turn away people even more who are looking to have a fun, casual, semi-realistic armored combat experience. It would not be enjoyable. It’s already bad enough that every match is alternate history without a party. Dismissing this point of making realistic less realistic entirely seems more like a troll than a real suggestion. I won’t argue more.

Play arcade.

This is dangerous false equivalency. The game is literally not balanced at all with the fake “realism” teams, when you can artificially force completely unbalanced matches. Mixed battles worked for air to make them at least somewhat balanced, why do you think that would not work for ground?

We need mixed MM now more than ever. It’s quite literally a slaughter house for any team that can’t make up for US teams lack of good spaa, and once a Rafael or typhoon user with brimstones come in that’s knows what their doing it’s literally GG(just J out and leave bro) as there is absolutely NOTHING you can do. Even with ground pounding payloads those things can easily dunk on any of the opposing teams CAP