Why? should there be unlimited aircraft in ground forces when we can only use 3 vehicles on the ground .
The whole idea of numerous aircraft and so little vehicles has undoubtedly unbalances the whole idea of the game mode.
In air battles you don’t have caps only targets to bomb or AI tank columns so what is the reason behind it?.
Not only does it unbalanced teams and the mode itself but gives players the couldn’t careless attitude about winning the game ,some drive a tank ,nominate and aircraft and if they only bring in one tank leave the game ,thereby making the team have one less player to help cap which creates friction in the team when trying to win a fought over cap and none is there to help with the outcome .
What would be more fair is to have a choice of 3 vehicles ie !!! two tanks ,one plane, etc etc ,once they are gone game over as usual .
More and more players from air battles are playing ground forces not for the tanks but just to bomb other players .
Surely something can be done so that this behaviour doesn’t keep the whole idea of ground forces becoming air battles two the bomber mode .
I’m not saying don’t have them but arrange it either numerous tanks and aircraft or 3 of each when one plane or tank is killed you lose both vehicles etc
i myself enjoy playing aircraft in grb but i do see ur point maybe a limited amount of aircraft at a time? or one planr for each person but me personally enjoy being a plane and an AA vehicle
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