Ground Battles - game works but maps are dull


Bugs, BR and balance arguments aside there’s quite a functional game here but the way the maps are put together doesn’t work very well.

All maps, but especially “Battle” do nothing and it ends up with way too much camping, especially ruined by boring players who seem to be happy sitting behind rocks all match.

The number of late game turnarounds in Ground shows just how broken things are - the winning team was more patient and that’s all, quite realistic I’m sure, but it’s not good gameplay.

A good map type would be something like Crazy King from GoI, which is a bit like HQ from CoD - for points A,B and C only one is active and it will change randomly a few times during the round.

I actually agree that different game/win modes are something the game needs badly.

My biggest issue with games is usually when a game becomes boring to play…and i don’t really recall many changes to gameplay in the last YEARS!

Dont think game is broken…it is somewhat balanced…but there were fun game modes tested that dissapeared in the name of balance…and i think we need new modes that work…

Any competitive multiplayer game will be perfect if you put bugs and balancing issues aside.

I think the gamemodes are fine but there should defenitely be more maps.
I almost only play high and some maps are just dogwater for that BR or you end up playing the same few all the time.

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