Ground ammo. Wiki destroyed?

What happened to the wiki ?
All the info about how many rounds to take has been deleted
Am I missing something???

It got overhauled and cleaned up.

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I do not support these new “simplifying” changes but for the time being you can check out the old wiki and archive websites if needed


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I loved the Usage in Battles and Pro&Cons sections. Shame they are gone.

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I agree. Too much useful information has been deleted in the Wiki 3.0, and the ammo rack distribution is no exception. I used to take a look at how many pieces of ammunition you need to take to fill a certain ammo spot to find a balance between firepower and survivability. Now I need to go at least five times in test drive to find the best number of shells for me. Wiki 3.0 needs many improvements.

There is an old-wiki link included.

If anything, the information needs to be transcribed, updated and cleaned up to suit the new look. It’s the only true option.

Doesn’t the xray in the garage tell you which ammo stores are the primary ones and how many shells they store each?

Only for ready racks if you have one.

The new wiki is War Thunder Wiki downgraded.

Please use official thread to discuss Wiki 3.0