GRB map knowledge and movement

Trying to get better at GRB and after probably thousand(s) of hours I feel like im just hitting a major brick wall that playing more isn’t really going to solve ever at least in my case. I was able to pick up a lot of things by just playing and messing around in the hanger analysis like shot placement, turning my damn music off so im not half blind since sound ques are extremely important, getting to be a better shot/aim.

But I’m still getting my ass railed a lot of the time in 9.3-12.0 matches where everything is capable of easily killing each other in a single shot. And I’m thinking it just comes down to the title of the this thread, being map knowledge and movement.

Here’s an example of what im talking about from my perspective. North Holland south spawn I love taking the green route and just playing this house circled in yellow, I can sit behind this thing, and abuse 3rd person camera while being completely untouchable behind it, and watch all the red arrow paths, expose myself for 3 seconds to take a shot and back into my hole.



I guess you would call this a first spawn rollout in a non fast/light vic. But I have two problems, first one is I don’t have these good rollouts I’m confident in on every map, on every side. I don’t even have one for north spawn on this very map, so I just feel at a loss what to do and end up doing something bad. Secondly After the game progresses you need to move if you team is winning and gaining ground (having a good team isn’t always beneficial), and whenever I do that I just feel like I’m pushing into someone doing exactly what I’m doing here and just giving them a free kill. I have a hard time being aggressive at all because of this.

Is there any content creator or guides out there that go into this kind of stuff? I know popular content creators just dont, because this type of stuff isn’t going to generate much views, and it would be a lot of work to put together. Any other suggestions or whatever to maybe get better in this aspect?

I just feel like I’m playing a random chance simulator at these higher tier GRB matches that the second I move from my hole praying someone isn’t watching me I can’t see, or hear. It’s to the point I’ve been playing almost exclusively ARB even though im worse of an air player than ground and spent significantly less time there, just because I at least feel in control of all the variables there. If I die I know exactly why, bad posistioning, getting greedy, not knowing the plane I’m fighting. In GRB right now its just stuff like “Oh someone was behind that building looking at me and I didn’t know and I get buttblasted because I got bored and moved from my spot”. I’m not sure what I even could have done differently.

Again just looking for someone that goes into detail about the stuff I explained with my pic, but for every map, every spawn, every vehicle (fast/slow), and how to be aggressive without it being a deathwish.


Another example after making this thread

I have no clue what to do on this spawn, im in the krishentema, I know its good on this map, but I have no clue where to get a good sightline. So i follow the green path just for no particular reason other than I think ill get a good sightline across to the other side and watch A. Well turns out I couldnt see shit there and wasted 3 minutes doing fuckall. Finally I move on the yellow path into a divot, get a decent sightline into their spawn (red circle), but its not ideal and im just constantly scounted and harrased there because the divot wasn’t deep enough to completely hide and I had to constantly move because of artillery fire. This is an example of a frustrating game, I don’t know the maps, I don’t know the sightlines, and I just have a bad game because of it.

This playlist is the only one I could find. The old forums had threads about this very thing but they’re obviously highly outdated with the constant map changes.

When I made a inquiry similar to yours, that was essentially the reply I got as well: Map changes are too regular to be worth making strategy guides/analyses of maps.

I wish for such all the same as there’s a fair few maps I’ve no idea what to do on as they’re the perfect ratio of too infrequent to brute force but frequent enough to matter.

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Thanks that playlist looks good.

I’m not sure why people would say its not worth it because of map changes, sure some spots will get gutted, but not all or even a majority or them. And the other thing is you are still learning how a map might be played well, which is useful, even if the spot is gone, because it shows you how you should be playing.

I would suggest you doing the following:

Optional - Flank;
1 - Camp;
2 - Wait;
3 - Repeat;

And seriously, I’m not joking.

Ya basically what I’m asking is the best spots to camp, as for flanking It can be fun, but its not free. You will have to fight other good players on that flank for the right to use it most the time.

Oh North Holland, I suggest you going on the East side of the river, I barely seen people going there, you got protection with the buildings and plenty space to move.

If u really wanna know… i can tell you how i used and still sometimes use to get knowledge… i am current 68% wr in the recent 30days or smt like that…

Whenever you find a player in your matches or in general a player you want to know how he plays, simpmy watch the server replays in his view (view number 2).

That helps understanding what he does, whem he does and why he does.

In general, try to be at positions you have either an advantage of, like u can peak hills better cause ure a sherman with a stabi that your oppononet may not have (or other reasons) or positions you have a good overview of chokepoints but still cover when u figjt or to chill behind and watch in third person.

Also try to find positions where you cant or its unlileley that u get flanked. The less angles you can be shoot from the better.

Most of this u already do and know i guess…but in hightier, where the paste is superfast, it also sadly depens a shit ton if what vehicle u play. Up there u go in the positions super quick and also leave them super fast when u notice that no enemy is around to get into the next .ore advanced position.

It really mostly depents on whfat tank you use to say finite where good positions are, as most positions have minimum requirements your tank needs to meet.

Long talk… view others what they do, experiment with new positions. Play only meta tanks and ignore the rest. And the very easiest, go in a clan, ask the very good players if you can play with them. But caution, dont ask players that only one trick a tank or nation, most of them have weird impressions of what other tanks might be.

His videos are good and I’m in his discord server. But some of these spots are outdated sadly. I don’t get the impression the videos will be updated but it’s a nice starting point.

I guess here is another question, How the fuck do you even bother playing russian tanks on maps like these?



This is one of my absolute favorite maps with Germany, the leopards excel here especially around A. But my GOD Russian stuff is just terrible here, I feel completely and utterly hopeless. I can’t even dream of doing hill peeks because of terrible gun depression, and reverse speed. I died twice this match because of huge elevation differences and the just piss poor vertical targeting speed that takes literally 2 seconds just to look like 15 degrees up.

I have no clue what to do but sit somewhere and hold an angle all game. The problem with that is I’m just not going to see anything all game compared to sitting behind a hill abusing 3rd person and binos. But its pointless to do that in a t80/72 when you are competing against NATO tanks doing the same thing.

I’m sorry I ever said Russian tanks were undertiered, to me it feels like they have zero syndrome, where they are only perceived as OP by bad players that only know how to brawl (turn fight in the zero case).

Edit: here’s another problem I have with russian tanks, and of course lack of map knowledge.


So red X’s are enemies I have no clue are there, Green X is a boxer that I spot and decide to engage. I take out his gun, start to back up but of course I have to extent farther out because of lack of gun depression, and I cant reverse back into this divot fast enough and these 3 guys just eat my ass for lunch. What even am I supposed to do here in this situation besides not be there?

One last example showcasing what I mean by sometimes having your team do well (in a way) can be detrimental.



I love playing that corner circled in green, its got a great window, it doesn’t really get flanked until you lose mid, and you have plenty of easy side shots. Problem is if you team all goes A and beats the crap out of the other team, you just sit there and do nothing until you are forced to move to find targets. I don’t really know any other good spots on this map so it just becomes a mindlessly wander around and hope for the best situation.