Give us bigger maps (Voting)

Unfortunately all that technical stuff seems to have shifted to top tier and not mid tier. Most people just don’t care enough anymore, which makes the one who do much more valuable.

I wish people cared a bit more about stuff below 10.0.

Arcade mode in WT is extremely meh. If I wanted to play arcade games, I’d rather go play games like WoT. Which has far more complex arcade mechanics.

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Because it is lol. It’s just dead time. Atleast in sim you need to focus on flying, but not in RB.

16v16 is a much worse issue than the map timer imo. It forces matches to be short because very match is a 1v4+. I wouldn’t mind if ticket bleed was reworked and the match length extended to 30m, however.

I struggle with playing War Thunder. The maps are so bad that there’s no point in thinking. If you want to play top tier, just bring something fast and rush the choke points. I love flanking and playing methodically, but the recent map changes make it impossible. The ground grind is also still horrible compared to air. And don’t get me started on the heli grind—it’s actually painful. I have no reason to play War Thunder anymore, which is a shame because it’s my favorite game.

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The biggest problems with ground maps IMPO:

  • no new maps, older players know them by hart so they just camp sniping points, zero fun
  • Over and over and over and over again same map being played. I onced played same map for like 10 times in row
  • the fact you can swarm enemy spawn point soo easy is mind blowing to me

While true, to reduce climbing time means to reduce map size by putting the airfields closer together. This means players fan out far less, so it becomes furballs with much higher probability.

An alternate could be like 3-4 runways mirrored with 3-4 runways and the spawns spread out I guess.

16v16 i agree strongly. It feels like it turned into something incredibly snowbally. Which is not fun, even if you’re on the winning side.

I suppose also that rather than map timer, “ticket bleed” may be a better complaint. I’ve repeatedly had fun duels cut short because the tickets ran out despite nobody groundstriking. Losing on tickets because someone (player) is groundstriking? That’s more than fair, I’d even say it’s cool since objectives and whatnot. Losing on tickets because it just happens due to A.I is not.

Back on the topic:

Another thing that this conversation reminded me of:


On a small map where you can lock down corridors within the first few minutes fo the match, snowballing is not a “If” but a when.

Playing on the winning team while it’s snowballing becomes incredibly boring. You got nobody to shoot at, you got nobody to avoid getting shot at from. All you can do is sit in cover and shoot people spawning in/leaving the spawn.

Vice versa for losing team - all you can do is shoot at people shooting into your spawn without much hope for reversal.

Whereas with a wide map with multiple spawn points, you can lose an entire flank, respawn on another flank and counter-push the enemy. This makes the match last longer, be left undecided until tickets run out or players run out of spawns.

Wide maps with multiple spawn points, multiple covered/dead zone/concealed routes and spread out objectives counter snowballing somewhat.

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I just want bigger maps with more variation and options for people to be more creative. More capture points that give people something to do other than spawncamp. (Even though spawncamping always will be an issue it can still be mitigated.)


I’m not sure, many players are like a mindless drones who likes exactly what the Gaijin is doing with the maps (turning them in to a corridors, pick one and fight head on).

Simply many does not know what to do on a large open map, cannot identify strategic positions on a map unless it is marked by A/B/C circle and so on.


Not really. All they need to do is to give freshly spawned vehicles Invisibility for 15-30 secs.

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No, but what you want already exists - it’s called Arcade. Go play that. Let people that want realistic-ish mechanics play Realistic. Dumbing shit down to the lowest common denominator is pants on head stupid if different game modes already exist that could in theory cater to both styles of play. Except that’d mean the snail had to put some effort into wrangling code instead of just pumping out new premiums.


No, I want to play realistic battles. And I’m not the one who’s pushing for any kind of changes. They’re the ones who are deliberately trying to rob me of my fun by changing something that I am already in love with. I don’t want RBs to become some pseudo SBs v2.

Go play SBs and do not bother me with your nonsense agendas 🤷‍♂️

You seem to want to turn it into Arcade+ for some reason - large maps are great for RB, because it stops to a certain extent snowballing and spawn camping. But…

Pot, kettle, go do something anatomically impossible with yourself :)


Problem is that in recent patches maps have changed a lot. You have not noticed?

Old state was ok, today’s state is not, and keeps deteriorating (specifically considering map size / usable space) if the current trend is held…


i think spawn points should not be so easily swarmed because Im grinding Russia ground and playing 10.3 and man I get kill and then rest of my team is already camping spawn killing anyone who spawn on enemy team and game ends in like 5 minutes… I had sooo much more fun playing Russia 6.3…BUt I wanna grind and this aint it and I have 2 premiums to grind…

No, I haven’t played WT actively for many years. I don’t even remember email and password to my very first account.

But I started play it again few years back, then stopped for ±2 years and now I returned.

All I know is that I really do not enjoy big maps. And if current trend is to make game more action intense. I’m on it. That’s exactly what the game needs.

Protecting spawn points could be better achieved by:

  1. Not placing them inside bowls (in other words: they shouldn’t have direct line of sight for enemies on high ground. They should have berms, ridges, hills, bunkers covering them)
  2. More spawn points. Ideally we’d have a single spawn zone covering the entire side of the map, but getting like 3-4 spawn points each separated by some 400 metres would be an improvement
  3. Wider maps so those spawn points are farther away.
  4. Those spawn points having plenty of dead-zones to egress through. Meaning, valleys you can stay within that block line of sight/line of fire towards you. This is probably one of the worst transgressions of a lot of spawn zones - only having like 1-2 viable ways to leave (counting separate ways as those you need to be in separate positions to overwatch)

Redlining maps achieves none of that.

Redlining maps just excarbarates snowballing to increasing degrees as you cannot break-out from spawn if the only direction ahead is into enemy fire.


Yes give. :)

Just divide all these maps into 2 categories.

Small city and large open
In the menu, just as you indicate whether you want to play night battles, add the option to indicate whether you want to play small city, large open or both at once. Everyone is happy. Those who like big only play big, those who like small only play small. Only if it gives players too much choice, their hidden team balancing mechanisms will not be able to set up battles xD So we probably won’t see it.


Gaijin get this man a job right now…