Give us bigger maps (Voting)

I think the idea has merit. We have enough scout vehicles now that we could experiment with it for sure. However, for most medium tanks that travel in the 30-40km/h range (consevative) the big maps are going to feel like Driving a Churchill or a T95. Another thing to consider would be balance, I have a suspicion that big maps will provide an overwhelming advantage to the Hellcats, the Pumas and generally all modern light tanks and IFVs, to the point where they’re either dominantly overpowered in the big maps, or uptiered to the point where they are useless in small maps.

I think the big maps need to be a custom game mode, I think a good start would be sim maps and sim lobbies but with realistic battle rules.

Maps like all things are difficult to improve and its extremely easy to make them worse.

Trouble is this game is an awful driving simulator. At least in Air battles there’s something to do (AI targets) while the last determined fighter tries to chase down a bomber before the ‘blind hunt’ times out.

Finally, I think an awesome feature would be community maps being trialled in special events and then implemented if given enough positive feedback

Old man aside below.

It was shortly after I started that Gaijin phased out the ground AI targets. I would like to to think that having Air RB trench/bunker emplacements in ground battles would be interesting but something tells me Gaijin’s AI vehicles still aren’t ready to be implemented wide scale. At the very least I think bunkers and fortifications would give us something to do in between the main conflict areas.


Telling people to go play WoT whose largest map is smaller than War Thunder’s smallest map is certainly a take of all time.


Maps should scale as the range you can engage in becomes larger. What I find more annoying than relatively short range is how most maps only have one type of terrain. What am I supposed to do when I have 3 unstabilised lights and get a city map?

I think every map should have both urban and long range open sections so that people aren’t doomed the moment they get matched simply because of which nation they chose to play.


It’s called sarcasm
In case you don’t get it


Apologies for the Double Post, But I felt like it was a significant departure from my previous comments to Warrant it.

I think you’re 100% justified asking for bigger maps, but I’d argue that we need to solve the battle objective problem first by developing an engaging set of objectives that scale well with map size.

I’ve been thinking abou this on and off over the years, on the old forums I had a decent rant about adopting the map capture system from the ‘Wargame’ franchise where the entire map is broken up into areas that would effectively work as cap zones, and therefor each area would almost constantly need to be contested as the zone is only occupied when enemy units aren’t present.

Firstly others have already brought up the issue of map size and the time taken to cover the distance in ground vehicles. The Battlefield franchise already had a solution to that issue from their first installment, which was to make each captured point a spawn point. Now Battlefield is theoretically an infantry focused game, so the first thing the devs would need to solve is how to construct spawn points in such a way that they can be contested effectively and recaptured whilst also providing a somewhat safe place to spawn into for vehicles.

I think the larger versions of some maps already have a workable layout.

The updated - large version of ‘Fields of Poland’ is a good candidate I think.
Test Map
In the diagram above the capture points would also function as spawn points circled in red and the yellow circles being possible intermediary capture points. Once the point is captured, players can spawn anywhere within a radius of the point, and I thought the layout of this map provided enough cover to allow tanks to respawn safely without making it too difficult to recapture the point. The yellow cap points are just there to provide a point to stage counter attacks from.

The tricky part is, I think these big maps would need longer timers, largers ticket pools and either the removal of spawn cost or a massive relaxation of the spawn cost. Part of the reason why Battlefield worked is that any player could spawn an indefinite number of times and it would only drain the teams tickets. What this also meant is that teams could afford to mass enough forces to make recapturing dug in positions viable, without bankrupting the team.

The theory being that the losses accumulated in death would offset the equivalent losses in ticket bleed. Immediately I see major benefits:

  1. Less skilled players have the opportunity to keep throwing themselves into the battle and they get more opportunities to learn without being sent back to the hanger.
  2. Skilled players get opportunities to leverage their skills and rack up excellent streaks.
  3. The battles might feel more competitive as teams have more error margin in terms of respawns to recapture points and maintain a stalemate, as opposed to what I feel is the current situation where a slight advantage on one side typically results in a runaway victory.
  4. Continuing on from 3, the relaxed spawn cost (or removal) allows players to respawn test different areas of the map (so long as they’re not completely camped in) an maybe open up new fronts.

Now this is fairly hypothetical, Battlefield has it’s own share of problems, but seeing as this is my idea and I’m biased, i’d like to think that this combined with OP’s suggestion for larger maps would solve more problems than it creates.

Additionally, I would also expect that this wouldn’t result in a drastic re-shuffle of the BR’s we’re used to, but at the same time introduce new viable playstyles and metas.

Last thing, back to the objectives in battle issue. I personally think that War Thunder is at it’s best when it’s simply providing a sandbox to simulate armoured vehicle battles. I think the more objectives and features in the sandbox that simulate battlefield objectives (not battlefield conditions - important distinction) I genuinely believe players will have a more rewarding time in battle. I think most people would agree that most of the ground vehicles in game, were designed to serve multiple purposes, not just the anti tank role. I also think it’s evident that many vehicles are ill suited to pure tank engagements and as a result we end up with odd vehicles at certain battle ratings. In addition to better maps, I think better objectives will go a long way to improving the overall experience.


Hm, remember those breakthrough maps we used to have for a short time? That goes a liiitle bit into that direction.

Wonder what happened to those - and of course general map design and size always is the big question mark here…


Personally, I thought those breakthrough missions went well. I also think that one of the major issues with those maps is how poorly the objectives were communicated to the players. I think they tanked because many players simply had no idea how to progress through the objectives, or how the caps even worked.

Generally speaking, I think most of the current ‘quality of life’ improvements we’re enjoying following the introduction of the roadmaps is that Gaijin seems to be learning to communicate better. A huge part of the problems facing players I would put down to accessibility; I’m not sure what’s worse, playing War Thunder for the first time or trying to learn ARMA, I think ARMA wins out slightly as there’s a larger community to learn from.


With map sizes getting smaller to outright help the new players is a bit of an I understand but really??? situation, the last “large” map “Pradesh”
This was a failure because you could shoot at spawn from spawn /second square away from spawn or on C cap if Blue could watch the main road from spawn
These were the main areas people would go.



They can just give ground maps from simulator at BR 8.0 and the problem is solved.


Planes are not designed to fly around, they just spawn and going Headon. 🤓


There’s a relationship between map size and BR. Higher BR’s where all vehicles are moving fast and have greater range should be on bigger maps and we need more of them. Also new maps are important to keeping the game interesting. Map knowledge is a huge part of being successful and once most players understand the key points on a particular map with nothing new to explore or learn it gets routine.


You havent adressed that issue with the normal/small maps tho,
Still a 3 lane push,
SPAA is still fully covering the battle feild,
each cap zone is within 500m of each other,
People can still just avoid the caps and go to the spawn points and camp,
CAS can still easily attack the battle field with almost no effort,
Helicopters have nothing to do other then attack, (on a larger map they could try steal a cap or reset it if SPAA isnt watching the cap zones)


Maybe remover that “sniper” award… just say’n. One of the arguments for not having a ground only mode has been that planes are needed to deal with the map spots that are difficult to defeat so if we remove those map spots… ; ) Additionally, some of the camper issues are addressed with the shorter game times. You can only camp for so long before you’re camping to lose.

many would be sad if this had to go

I would just add that it is safe to assume that modern MBT can develop cross country speed up to 60km/h therefore to cross 1km take one minute.

So in order to drive 15min to get somewhere we would need maps like 34 x 34km (15km from each edge + 4km engagement range) and we are far far away from that.


Won’t happen because youtubers want quick and easy matches to feed their Call of Duty fanbases who then go play the game to make it more like CoD


No way, I already think the big maps are boring. That said, I would like them to stop making them even smaller. They’re good now.

This map is a snoozefest too

Because its snipping but from Spawn to spawn there was nothing to do because if you drive out into the feilds ya dead. What else was the player supposed to do with a map where the boders were hills and the caps where in the bowl. Its quite literally the perfect ambush map making it a full stalemate. Boring


I would just like the maps to return to what they were when I started about 3 or 4 years ago.Get the flanking options back ,lose the time out system that is costing me lives and making me leave the game for other games.I also leave when I see a narrow red lined map.