So then maybe people would ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE WITH THE TEAM Im tired of joining games and there’s a spawn camper eyeballing me with 2 - 3 of my teammates just sitting there not saying anything or pining the map. Give people an incentive to work as a team. I don’t know why this isn’t already a thing for UAVs / Scouts.
+1 although my keybinds don’t let me mark on the map but I would like the idea if it also worked with quick messages that ping players
I’ve thought of this idea before, although I am kind of worried about people exploiting this and just spam click the map.
So you want to have map full of random pings, because minute after we will introduce such mechanics all players will start to ping map every 15 seconds?
just put it on a timer like everything else gaijin has
thats the point of only given points if the ping is within 50 meters of the enemy . No one is going to get points if you click somewhere off in the middle of nowhere :D
Oh boy, free check to see if there is a vehicle in a spot? Thats not gonna be abused at all.
I mean its allready extremely powerful when a squad uses the UAV or other aerial recon and use the squad marker to pinpoint enemy positions.
So… you know thats the entire point of the ping system right? To let people know there’s a vehicle in that area. Have you ever clicked the map before?
Yeah, and that should give some type of reward. If im sitting on a UAV spotting an enemy tank and it dies i get nothing, but if i scout it with the scout option i get rewards.
The thing you can allready do?
Giving points just lets you confirm the location of an enemy
Just my personal opinion perhaps you should narrow the range from within 50 meters to within 25 or 10 .
You only get points if the enemy dies. So what you’re saying is kinda pointless… You do understand what im typing to you right?
10 meters too small probably 25 meters.
Yes. Any amount of any indication. Like you get with current scouting nets you some reward for spotting an enemy even if nothing happens to it.
If you got points for marking an enemy on the map, but got nl indication you did, and only later if that enemy gets killed in that spot you get points, then maybe im fine with it.
Tho that still encourages spamming the map for points
Yeah i never said anything about a indicator, its the same map ping system. It can even go on a cooldown. Its essentially just give your points for communicating with the team., something people just don’t do.
Score for accurate placement is an indicator and a reason to spam its use
Do you really believe that players will not ping entire map every 15 seconds? (entire map where enemy “can” be).
Colldown will not change it. There are 16 players per team. Now imagine ping on map every 2-3 seconds. Each made by different player.
IMHO really bad idea.
if gaijin can add a chat cooldown, then they can add a ping cooldown.
You still do not understand.
Free RP means all players will spam it. Even if you will have 1 minute cooldown, you will still have 16 pings per minute on map. 1 ping every ~4seconds.
Why would all 16 people ping a spot where theres no one at? If you have 5 people pinging the same spot, what the problem? Even now people can ping the same location. Nothing is changing except people getting points from my idea, its just an incentive for more people to ping the map… unless you like playing in matches where a vast majority of people don’t communicate and are silent and don’t want to help their teammates.? Even now there an option to turn off players ping / radio messages in game, there isn’t any problem with my idea.
You spawn,everyone pings enemy spawn,boom,everyone gets RP right from start. Then people would keep trying to ping spawn to get RP until the end of game.