Give indicators for incoming air

could gaijin please add an indicator as from which general direction airplanes come from? they made airplanes so poorly visible in the sky, that they sometimes appear from directions that i would never have thought. it would be nice if we gotten like an arrow on the minimap that showed us from which general direction we atleast need to look towards.

You mean a small arrow towards the airspawn?

like that, ye. i understand that with airspawns, the big map is revealed, showing the direction of the airfield. but without any airspawns, theres no such way to find out.

it also deosnt help we all use widescreen monitors, while for anti air, its best if we had horizontal screens lol. maybe a field of view that changes the horizontal?

Do you know that the keen vision skill makes little arrows turn up on the screen telling you there’s an enemy?

That applies to planes still I think.

The reason they made them harder to see was that you could see them the instant they spawned, which really wasn’t fair, not that anyone called them out anyway.

And when you use the air callout in the radio, that adds a marker onto the hud showing you which direction they are coming in from.

You mean like in addition to the radar on most higher tiered SPAA’s. Or the arrow at the top of the screen when they spawn in.

Or do you mean for Air RB? Where they have a nametag and circle around them, and their also on the minimap as little dots

It’s tagged as ground.

for ground. the majority of spaa’s have no radar. also, in higher tiers, good jet players specialize in flying low. knowing they can evade radar that way. atleast until you hear the jet, but by that time its already too late and they drop their slow bomb right on top of ya.

There are 3 ground modes, my dude

in arcade, planes are clearly visible. they dont have the problem im describing here. in realistic and simulation, planes arnt. however, realistic is more of a harder arcade, but not yet as extreme as simulation.

No sh*t Sherlock! (Btw si isn’t extreme at all, it is almost identical to RB)

The question is, what mode should have the assist you are describing?