give back the flipped down variant back for all su25s, i kinda dont like the new one that has it flipped up. or give players option to choose pilot model maybe. i dont know, i just really prefer the old model with its visor down instead of up
I know its already in the game but Gaijin is using the Visor UP model instead of the down. it looks so weird without them down (plus most pilot models on other nations in aircraft have it down, so why give russian aircraft like su34 + su25sm3 or other pilot russian aircraft using ZSH-7 helmet the visor up and not down??? i dont understand their choices. or they could have defaulted the model to the SU34 but not affect the SU25SM3???) even KA52 uses down visor, even though its ZSH3 helmet and not ZSH7 i would love to be able to switch between pilot models, like visor up, down, different helmets. but that would be very complicated. but this is just my opinion, i like the visor down more.