Give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account

Really? Then it is even worse than I thought.


I do not understand what are you talking about

Dont migrate m8, keep playing in normal servers.

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In such cases, it is customary for managers to personally explain everything to the players (all those on whom their business depends). Why, heads of state come out to their people, explaining certain decisions. What about gaijin? SILENCE.

Global accounts can’t too.

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I just didn’t realize that you can’t log into your global account after migrating.

Account migration do not move you to other servers. You will still play War Thunder on regular WT servers.

Both language are okay. And other post-USSR countries too


No, servers will not be devided. You do not need to switch to play with friends. War Thunder is and will stay a global game, with servers available for all players. It’s you who select the server. If you like to play with higher ping that you have on your local server (from any random reason), you can play on US server sitting in front of a computer in your home in Europe or Asia. No issue with this.

It’s just those who don’t want to migrate for various reasons and speak English badly are unable to get any support and communicate at the moment.
I am very sorry that it’s you who have to deal with what seems to be a bunch of “savage refugees” violating the rules and giving you headache, but it’s not theirs fault too.
Personally, I’ve been longing for russian/ukrainian/kazakh/belarus-speaking communities here for a long time instead of being forced to use separate forum for this, now I just hope Gaijin will find a way to let that people have support and ability to communicate.
Thanks and sorry for any inconveniences.


So does this have anything to do with no one getting any squadron research for the last 4 days? Just curious.

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We have old forums too, so the easiest solution is open .ru forum to all players. And it will not separate community, like with any other solution.


Ukraine is not on the CIS+Georgia list, so the transition will only break payment options, and most Russian domains are blocked in Ukraine


Until when? It’s completely unclear to what extent dividing process can go. And alas we can’t just trust the word of the developer or especially third-party companies one way or another still connected with Gaijin. At least I personally deeply convinced of this (and this opinion didn’t appear out of the blue, ahem). What happens after this “migration” in a week? Month?.. Year? How can you be sure that servers will remain in the same state? Nah, one day I’d still like to leave this game without anyone’s help and preferably without feeling regret huh.

P.S.: At least just give us a little nook yah. Can hardly ask for more.


Russian section on this forum?
we have to wait, time will tell

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At least, uh-huh. Tbh don’t really think they’ll allow us to use the Russian-language forum as before. And yah now it’s all about waiting anyway.

Gaijin weren’t prepared. Nothing new)


I have another problem due I’m Russian speaker that live in other country.


How many time I need to repeat same info? :(
You are all playing War Thunder - same game you played few days ago. There will be no split between regular War Thunder game you play now and some made up “different” War Thunder you think there is (or will be).
Account migration do not change the fact, that you are playing (and will play) on same servers as earlier.

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Okay so why we can’t enter Ru forum?
Eng forum isn’t seems cool to us. I don’t think that if they would do something like that to you and create another forum with no ability to enter it without migration would sound cool for you. Especially if you can’t migrate cuz you are living beside of CIS or any other regions