Give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account

Um, that’s sort of the point? There’s been no news of this at all to the rest of the War Thunder community so far outside of Russian social media, even though it impacts the whole playerbase in some respects I’ve tried to identify. So “waiting for news” was 100% failing us before today, the first time I think a non-Russian mod has even discussed it so far or permitted questions. Nothing wrong with asking those questions once.

If you had 100 GJN in coupons you might have wanted to buy premium with on June 1, today you have around 80, because news that affected you was denied you by the company. That’s not a good look.

We cannot guarantee same prices for GJN on both markets (due to the economy fluctuations, a different currency system, different laws and regulations - for example, there is no market in Netherlands due to their local law!).

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This topic.

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Okie. Can you organize a topic in which we could flood in our own language and post funny things while our flood rooms are temporarily unavailable? At least one. Pleeeease


With respect, not what I asked.

There is a difference between the prices for purchasing new GJN/PIX on the stores, and regional variations in that one-way purchase price, that’s always been the situation.

However if you commit to not changing, or at least commit to advertising changes to the 1 GJN:1 PIX:1 USD exchange rate, then people can still make effective marketplace decisions. To not do so will open up the marketplace further to various forms of currency manipulation and other dodgy behavior.

For instance, if Russian players were to believe that the PIX were to be devalued against the USD or the GJN, particularly because they’re getting info right now the rest of the world isn’t, they might be inclined to drop a lot more product on the market before that happened. That would affect everybody’s prices.

Previous mention of this said there’d be one marketplace. No one said anything before today about their being two possibly depegged currencies on it. That’s new information and I would suggest deserves some expanding upon if you want people to have trust in the current level of market stability.

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No. This is English speaking section. I do not speak Russian on level that would allow me to discuss (and follow) topic in Russian and/or Ukrainian, sorry.

As stated here:

If you want offtopic thread, you can use our offtopic thread (if you will use English language there and obey our forum rules).

If all that “clear” with migration why there is no tread on RU forum about “migration” if there nothing to hide?


I am not familiar with RU forum and will not discuss RU forum here.

So, more additional questions:

  1. What does this mean? Will there be additional new equipment/discounts, in addition to the usual ones, like a mouse for a snail’s birthday, a BO-105 helicopter for a day of something in Germany, and so on? Or will it be a complete replacement of regular discounts with new unique ones?

2)What exactly does this mean? For example, one watchman in the reporting service banned me for a month because I attached a replay with an error, where there was no damage from a corrected air bomb, but did not attach logs and a screenshot, although it would seem why. Will there be individual managers there who will politely thank me for reporting the error and quickly fix it or what?
3) What exactly is expected? Continuation of the legendary avatars, titles and other things about the “ancient Rus” or shitty content from Mikhalkov?

4) Why is that? The description seems to say that everything will be great, the main thing is to migrate. But what if it’s a hoax? What if the promised events and collaborations turn out to be disgusting, the content is meager and uninteresting, and there are no price reductions? Why if the publisher deceives us we will not be able to return?

Well, actually, why is there so little information about the situation? Why were we deprived of our forum? Why did this happen suddenly and without warning? Why has no one come to us yet and calms us down?
Of course, except for you. But here everything is scary, the language is incomprehensible, some villains seem to be everywhere. Horror.

When will we get answers to our questions? Why are there no replies from this publisher? If a “wonderful” publisher came along, promising support and promising to be constantly in touch with the community - where is he? Why hasn’t he appeared in this thread yet?

I really want to get all the content from the game. Did you add bananas? Great, let’s connect. Decal from the best actress? Please follow the link and pick it up. Is the unique helicopter back on sale again? I’ll take it. British Armed Forces Day decal? Cool, I’ll farm it.
How can you get the most out of the game?


If all that simple with migration why there is no backwards migration at any time?


I will probably apologize in advance, this may of course sound crazy to you, but in the CIS there were many cases when regional publishers in one way or another deceived players, spoiled the game, and destroyed the community. I am very happy for you that you have a culture of mutual respect, as I heard. But in our country, unfortunately, too often you can encounter a culture of “scam goyim” where players can sometimes lose everything. Yes, this sounds like impossible, I can’t even understand why people do this, but such situations, unfortunately, are not uncommon. I don’t see the point in giving many examples. Anyone who needs it could easily find it; there is no point in cluttering an important topic off-topic.


I do not know if I understand your post in proper way.
War Thunder was, is and will stay a Gaijin Entertainment game. Regional publisher do not have influence on your in game experience. We are game developer.

I will try to answer on question from your post a bit later, please be patience.


thank you for responding to players in this thread

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It can be same/similar as, for example with DMM. Dunno if you are aware, it’s our partner for Japanese market. They got many various events where you can unlock exclusive decoration/decals and/or boosters. TBH I am not aware of any special vehicles for that market.

What exactly does this mean? For example, one watchman in the reporting service banned me for a month because I attached a replay with an error, where there was no damage from a corrected air bomb, but did not attach logs and a screenshot, although it would seem why. Will there be individual managers there who will politely thank me for reporting the error and quickly fix it or what?

Example - separate bug reporting board for pixelstorm players.
I do not want to discuss your ban. From experience - story always got 2 PoV and right now I only know your part :)

What exactly is expected? Continuation of the legendary avatars, titles and other things about the “ancient Rus” or shitty content from Mikhalkov?

I see that in FAQ they also mentioned DMM (guess it’s good example). I cannot ( and as you can imagine, as .com CM I am not familiar with promo activites directed for Russian speaking market) discuss future promo campaigns, but if it will be similar to DMM, I guess it will be worth it (back in time many EN players decided to migrate to Japanes DMM account just to get the unique decorations (despite fact, that this move will also move them to Japanese priced store).

Why is that? The description seems to say that everything will be great, the main thing is to migrate. But what if it’s a hoax? What if the promised events and collaborations turn out to be disgusting, the content is meager and uninteresting, and there are no price reductions?

You are not losing anything by migrating - your account is safe on our servers. By migrating you get access to local promotions, pricing and local payment methods, something that may not be always available to European companies on a local markets due to different laws and limitations.

You can wait and check how it will looks, no need to migrate today or tomorrow, AFAIK there is no time limitation on this.

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You loosing ability to come back on global account. Ain’t that right?


and this is good!)
Now I’m waiting for the restrictions to be lifted on two forums)


Indeed. Once in ghetto - forever in ghetto.
District 9 vibes


More than half rus-speak already at CIS forum, and u lost communication with them.

We need not only ru-speak space, but also people who are the main part of ru community.

They say we have about two months

If you believe the words of MOSCWITSCH, then work is underway on this… Although it’s still hard to believe
