GFG: Close top tier for PREMIUM (beginners)

Do not add TOP TIER PREMIUM vehicles, aircrafts and other machines please! Close top tier for beginners. Its deadly for the game. Its deadly for good community. TOP TIER must be gold goal of this game! 😠 Take care of your community and don’t let it down.

Beginners in top tier battles is a problem, because they dont have skill, top tier vehicles and good morals.They often end with no frag, no kill and after 1 dead they left battle.

This is very stressful for long-time experienced players and game (simulator game) should be little bit fun.

The top tier PREMIUM vehicles is your (GAIJIN) bad game strategy. You kill well community and all old experienced players.

Everyone needs money. You have to consider the benefits to the game and your financial gain if it’s worth it and I think not.

This topic is for GAIJIN developers, not players. So please take care about it.

Thanks for your work, but look after your community feelings.

I think War Thunder could live next ten years, but you must care about it.

Gamers for Game


This particular pandora’s box has been open for several years now. There’s no putting the lid back on it.


Here me out
Let ppl buy top tier vehicles only after they reached to a top tier vehicle in one nation


Actually, that would be very easy: Without further action, the lid slides back on!

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buuuuut it also allows older players to “seal club” the newer players and the newer players can’t blame anyone but themselves.

This game is like every other thing in life. Either you find stuff to complain about or you find stuff to be grateful for.

Two ways to look at it. Lots of newbies means bad teams…Lots of newbies means lots of low skill targets.

No lots of targets, because of they have 1 vehicle to spawn and often no back ups.

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nah i want a F-22 premium. Talisman are good but they don’t generate enough SE.

which means you can blast them and immediately count that as a win for your team because you have eliminated a team mate from the enemy team.

The goal is not about how fast we win, the goal is about how we play and how much fun we have on top tier. Today, mainly after big Gajin deals, is top tier one BIG TRAGEDY and for weeks is not good playable.

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pooqich voting here Do you think top-tier premiums are a good idea?

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then maybe play a lower br until it clears up again?

Honestly, the blame that goes on in this game is phenominal.

And why don’t you get those ‘players’ and squad with them? Make them better rather than secluding them.

No, that’s not possible, because we’re going to current military vehicles of this century, and the addition of new vehicles will slow down in the future. There are also premium vehicles at low tiers.

Very good idea… make premium vehicle with talisman Talisman = Premium Vehicle