I’m starting to get tired of the ghost shots that go through the enemy tank and then I suffer. I have almost 1500 hours in the game, but lately there are more and more problems or bugs like this. I die at least 1x out of 5 games because of such bugs.
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Many times people point this out as a bug, it’s actually a connection issue.
If you even slightly use wifi, or don’t specify your server set, then latency will cause you to have shots scratched because of the fact that the server already received the message from the other player, saying they’d shot you.
Thank you for your answer, but I would ignore internet and other connection errors, since my value usually jumps to 30-70 ping and 0-8 PL. When this bug happened or at other times, I did not experience any delays or anything. There is only a delay in the shot then.
Jitter is a problem (The variance in your ping) as when that balloons that can also add to this.
I had issues with people sending large emails out killing my upload speed mid-match, so I ended up throttling their speed.
If possible, change from wifi if you are on it, as it’s a common thing. So common that it’s just something to avoid gaming on at all.
The reason you notice this when you shoot, is more to the point of the upload latency, as your client will guess where you are moving to when you are moving about, and if you die, it’ll just render you dead where you are.
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Is this a server replay or client replay?
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