Getting pissed off after the 5,000th time of having my Kills RP and SL stolen from me

I don’t know how many times i’ve shot a enemy plane, just for it to crash or ram me and i get nothing. No RP, SL, or even a kill. [

Same. Although I don’t think I’ve ever had one crash after I shot it an didn’t get credit. It’s mostly those rammers that I don’t get credit for, even though I have critical damage on them. Especially when they get credit for me and I had only been hit once or twice…

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Critical hits aren’t counted as enough damage to be awarded a kill when a collision is involved like your video. The only time it would count is if you landed a severe damage hit before the collision.

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This topic pops up every few days.

Aircraft collisions follow for years the same rules:

  1. Two pilots (undamaged before) meet each other for a headon, both miss every shot and collide / explode = no kill for both parties.
  2. Same situation, but just one pilot scores hits = the guy without scoring any hits gets the kill - the other one just “crashes”.
  3. Same situation - both score hits, the guy with less hits gets the kill.
  4. Two friendlies collide (= ramming) - the ramming victim gets rewarded with a team kill if the rammer crashes - whilst the ramming victim just “crashes” if he can’t recover from the ramming attack. If the rammer manages to glide back to his airfield, he can repair and do it again.

100% correct.