It’s gotten so bad that I’m being bombed in every single non-battleship match.
Every round I get revenge bombed. This is really annoying and no matter what I do; stay behind, rush, playin a boat, I will get bombed.
Anyone have the same experience?
It’s gotten so bad that I’m being bombed in every single non-battleship match.
Every round I get revenge bombed. This is really annoying and no matter what I do; stay behind, rush, playin a boat, I will get bombed.
Anyone have the same experience?
People hate SKRs so much that they hunt them. It’s a rage bias.
You can consider it a badge of honor I guess.
Given how under powered CAS is in most naval gamemodes usually. And you were bombed by a firefly and not a high alt bomber spamming bombs. I dont really see the issue. If you have major issue with CAS, then play RB where its a LOT weaker.
using planes in arcade is much more difficult as before the aimbot update - so it should not happen that often any longer - and I agree SKR is a hate-object due to its op-ness
Happens on almost every non 6.0+ I play (or at least attempted bombing). There’s also Pe 8 space bombers and the rare ASM ki 48.
CAS in any non-air mode has reached an alltime high of an issue, which I too am guilty of, but Gaijin has responded with (for ground) “We’re working on new SPAA, anyways heres another Kh-38 slinger” and with Naval, boats are heavily unprotected, having to rely on ships to keep the sky clear (which did get a slight buff when Gaijin messed up aiming) and when that falters, typically at lower BRs, it becomes CAS central
Tbf at least it’s both rare and takes real skill, as opposed to the Pe-8 which literally just has to fly straight and press space
that’s what make them lethal. Lots of those bomb players fly on “Japanese” style, and they can still kill even after swatting then out of sky
Remove CAS from naval battle, or remove planes from this game.
I find them bearable in arcade modes, other than naval ones.
For RB I don’t stay in the round long enough to get blasted by a rafale
True. These days I spawn like 1-3 tanks in GRB (which the weapons you referred to, is a real problem).
I don’t stay long enough to be offered as a free RP to a plane, only to fellow tanks.
Nah, remove tanks from the game,.then we can have unnerfed aircraft and fun A2G weapons
That is called air rb
Last time I checked. Brimstones for example. Still didn’t have FnF modes in ARB or ASB. Nor did we have weapon types like CBUs or ARMs.
flying planes is a difficult business after the update - even prev. often a dropped bomb was hit and destroyed in-flight - seems to me that the ai aa target the dropped bombs.
Kamikaze playstyle is often the only possibility to get a hit in reasonable time.