I have been playing high tier i keep getting 1 tapepd from anywere but when i shoot them i cant even penetrate is it the ammo im using or what is causing these problems? is it because of my crew level or what
It is about knowledge where to shoot tanks. If you have stock darts then it is more difficult to one shot tank as for stock darts there is smaller room for error.
Do you recomend any videos or anything so i could perhaps learn to shoot? Would be lovley
Unfortunately no. I did not watch any videos. You can analyze tanks in game and look at layouts of crew members. You can also analyze armor protection so you know general areas that you can pen.
What vehicle/s are you playing?
i play tier 4 sweden and high tier in china and low tier usa
I would highly suggest that you spend more time at the lower brs.
The gameplay is slower and lets you get a good handle on things. Skipping to the top quickly is not a good idea.
I think its alot about my keybinds i dont have good settings either i barley got stuff binded
That doesnt help too
Keybinds and more experience are needed. Experience is more important imo
Yes i know that but getting good keybinds would help a little. But should i play mid tier since its a perfect balance?
Going down will help for general experience. Slower pace helps learning in my experience.
Top tier mbts basically all have the same weakspots so that should not be an issue. Ammo is generally the same too. Just use apfsds.
I hope you don’t mind, but i just looked at your playercard to see what vehicles you have to better inform advice, Is the event T80 the only Chinese higher tier vehicle you have? (Infact, it kind of looks to be your only Chinese vehicle?)
Honestly mate, It’s your game and you can play it however you so wish, you can ignore me entirely if you want, But I personally would not be playing that thing, with no lineup and presumably little to no crew skills. It’s not like it’s a premium vehicle either so playing is providing no economic or grinding benefit to you.
You seem to be progressing pretty alright with Sweden though, and more importantly you’ve got an actual lineup there. Similar to what @markimash said, i think you’d be much better off dropping back down and continuing your Swedish progression. Jumping straight into top tier with an event vehicle is a very unforgiving environment. You’ll be much better prepared for it when you gradually work your way up there.
Swedish top tier ground is one of the strongest nations in the game, so it’d be much better in the long run to focus on that. I see you have VIDAR which should speed up your grind a bit, and you’re playing tech tree vehicles as you go, which is great for experience so keep doing that.
Alright man i will try to only play swedish and keep grinding that tech tree thank you!
I have swedish line ups for premium only and tech tree so i can enjoy the grind too i prefer tech tree but i hate the tier 1-3 grind
That’s fair mate, lower tier isn’t for everyone, and Sweden has a bit of a BR ‘void’ in it’s mid tiers you have to work around.
I just think it’s important that you try and play as much tech tree vehicles as you can from like, 7.0 upwards. In this BR area (Like 7.0-10.0 in particular), you will learn mechanics which are all very relevant and useful for top tier. Playing here will gradually introduce you to all the different ammo types, teach you when and when not to use them, how and how not to use them etc. And taking that experience in top tier is invaluable.
Also, tank evolution from the cold war onwards is very derivative. In this BR range you will fight many of the prototype / earlier versions of the top tiers. Learning how to fight them puts you in good stead to know how to fight their later, improved forms.
Fighting something like a 9.0 Chieftain, gives you a good idea how you should fight a 10.3 Challenger, which in turn gives you a good idea how you should fight a 12.0 Challenger 2. You can see direct evolution like this in all the countries. Learning to fight T62 / T72 teaches you how to fight top tier T80/T90’s. Learning to fight XM1’s and M1’s teaches you how to fight M1A2’s etc etc.
You will gradually accumulate all that knowledge over time just by playing and working your way up. Much better that way then just diving in at the deep end lol.
Alright man i will grind some tech tree after school