Get this (severe damage system not working)

I see. So he’s missing:
-1 engine
-elevators (one missing other black)
-right wing arelion
-50% of airfoil is black

You know, i’m not discussing here conditions for KILL. But conditions for severe damage in it’s word meaning. If current system does not recognize such damage as “Severe damage” then it is simply faulty system to be improved.
The person who got kill for that He111 was my squadmate (that needed to get assist for task, oh irony) that hardly put a scratch with his 0.303 mgs.

This is first time since “Severe damage” got introduce that i got such a BS of a result.

That He-111 if left alone, had no right to go anywhere but to spiral towards the earth.
He is “Severe damage” since it’s impossible to fly with 2 engine plane that is missing 1 engine, rudder and 1 arelion located on opposite side to dead engine. It’s not even possible to keep it in air infidelity even if doing circles whole time as flying straight and level is not possible.
Hence “Severe damage” should be claimed on such plane.

If “Severe damage” is not intending on fixing old kill stealing problems, then i begs the question what’s the point of it even being there.

I’m disappointed with the system as it can not be trusted even in borderline obvious cases like one presented.

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It’s just a joke 😂. I agree that the mechanic sucks

One thing my recent foray into sim taught me is…

If you remove a number of things from “severe damage” like blackened wing/horizontal/vertical stabilizer, but not separated - I feel sim and instructor-enabled modes really should have different tresholds to earn “Severe Damage.”

I’ve found damage that can be easily shrugged off in RB ends up resulting in very easy flat-spins/death spirals without instructor.


This thing was barely flyable in a straight line (any less than 100% engine and constant roll-right input meant spinning to death), and I feel whoever inflicted it should have received a kill/severe damage credit. I ended up landing it, but still.

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