I’ve just seen the new design of the wiki and I think it’s ugly af. I loved the old look because it is just like wikipedia.com and easy to look up the informations you need. In the old one you also had the opportunity to look for a good photo of a tank, but that was totally removed now. Even the only photo of a plane or tank are embedded so you have to look in the sites HTML code to see the photo in full size.
I don’t know what you guys think, but my opinion is clear; Get the old design back!
I can get behind streamlinging if that doesn’t mean “dumb it down”. Erasure of flap infromation is downright criminal as it actively lessens utility of wiki. I understand tha MEC is nieche thing that requires things to learn but flap performance information IS CRUCIAL TO THE GAME AND PERFORMANCE OF MANY AIRCRAFT.
Half of american aircaft live or die by proper flap usage, heck vertical flap turn in god damn required in early indegenous french jets! I cannot ephethise enough how critical this info is to air fights!
Whoever overlooked this feature should be fired outright!