Get the Iranian F-14A IRIAF in the ‘Persian Tomcat’ event

Almost there!!!

and that has nothing to do with the fact that F-14A is a US aircraft lol


My Persian friend and me aren’t insulted by the fact it’s in the US tech tree, I’m just happy it isn’t in Israel (that would’ve been a huge insult).

We are just happy Iran is represented in-game


“adding an adversary nation’s vehicle to your own arsenal is like china getting a malasyan F-18 because it can go wherever lol.”

If Malaysia chooses F/A-18, than it would go the US tree if it comes. Malaysia is not a TT or subtree so the most logical/suitable tree is US tree.

If Malaysia becomes a subtree of Chinese, than it would go to Chinese tree. We already see that with Republic of China vehicles going to the Chinese tree which is mixed in with Peoples Republic of China vehicles.

Whatever adversaries a nation happens to have IRL has no bearing in war thunder.

“the fact it got sold to the Imperial state of Iran has nothing to do with the fact that the variant added in game is the one from the Islamic state of Iran.”

Ok and ?

But honestly, you arent making much sense.

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India is a sub tree nation of the British tree just as South Africa is.


@Smin1080p_WT please give us more info about silver chest ‘Travel Suitcase’ when it will be revealed?

if possible.

Hey. More information will come in the news. Sadly we don’t have anything to expand upon right at this moment.


I know this is off topic so I won’t ask anymore beyond this; but is there going to be any official follow-up to the research bonus? It seems like what was purposed was not well liked by a sizable portion of players.


As we mentioned, it’s currently being tested on the live sever by staff and depending on those results, the next stage will be reached shortly. At that stage, we will have more news to announce regarding the next steps of the feature.


Yeah and they either go to TT of nation that used them, subtree of nation that used them, or go whenever gaijin seems appropriate.

Since there is not iranian TT nor subtree, it goes to the country of origin.

Glad we cleared this misuderstanding.

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Britain has 2 sub trees south africa and india.
India has been officialy confirmed as a sub tree in the forums and officialy in a dev blog already as well

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Well apparently you didnt read either, seeing as smin confirmed india as british subtree multiple times in this very topic.

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Russian main “Wahhhhh!! we don’t get a thing that don’t belong to us this is unfair wahhhhh!!”
This is a finest comedy gold from RU main i ever see during my time playing this game


for your information I’m not a Russian main.
I have Russia, Japan, Sweden, France and a big chunk of germany in top tier air.
I simply think it’s beyond hypocritical.

and you should probably shut up since you probably know nothing about air, air sim, or any of it for the matter lol


@Smin1080p_WT sorry to bother you but does the event update at 11:00 AM or PM GMT? The post doesn’t specify.

And who tf talking about you? do I mention you anywhere else? Unless you are Russian main that got pissed off because of who you actually are?
If you are not Russian main you shouldn’t get mad about what i said but you are that only mean one thing and you just accepted, it by yourself lol


i mean, you keep denying that india is a subtree to Uk, when even Smin confirmed this himself already as well.

This kinda looks salty on your part


Its funny how its all the “i Am NoT a RusSiA mAiN” people coming when russia mains are called out, but look at that guys bio, its pretty obvious xdd.


oh yeah nice that you pointed that out, he definitly is lol


I have to agree. The amount of salt is hilarious. Even removing the historical context around it, they seem to forget that they got their top-tier export event vehicle not all that long ago. The Su-25BM was an export to a nation that does not have a sub-tree. Now they have four Su-25s.

But oh no. The US is up to bat now but reeeee. How dare they get their own export! It has a singular Russian missile so it has to go to Russia.