Difference is that an aim 9g (a far older primitive missile) can lock from triple the range on the same quite warm target
Having the choice beetween a identical tanks, 1 with thermals but 1 BR step higher and 1 without, I will alsways take the tank without thermals.
Gen 1 thermals is very rarely usefull enough to justfiy a Br increase IMO.
had not reached that far in the thread
Shouldnt it only be L15a5? Did “L23” exist when it did? Also ofc did Iran even get consideration for the improved round xD
TBH I feel like it would be more interesting with L15a5/the HEAT-FS and a lower BR.
Also would be cool to see improved BESH AKA PISH make a show in WT lol.
Just hope this doesn’t follow on the train of undertiered heavy MBTs lately
Hard disagree on the SPAA stormer AD front, but this is not the thread for it, hopefull we get a big BR adjustment soon.
Moving the Stormer to 9.7 would just give the Fv4030/3 a better lineup, as for now you would probably have to uptier the ZA-35 (which is very good IMO and should be 8.7 if it was given a self defence belt Smin1080p_WT ‘‘Shell selection is indeed a factor on tank balancing. Loadouts are not always simply what the tank used / had access too.’’, as its currently much better then the cheiften Marksmen and closer to the ITSPV and better in some ways)
L23 didnt exist, only L23a1 and L23a2 did
aka why its in thr " " lol. We know what gaijin “mean” to do with it xD
there was a time when doing events was fun.
I really wonder if they ever stop to listen to players’ opinions.
Absolutely not, you should look at how many issues get shot down on the bug report site
yeah ive bashed out over 100k Rp in the last 3 or 4 days with the 9.7 AMX40 to get the sental.
IT aint too bad
But the L23 round is so brutal for me tbh
and in my opinion, in its current form, most AA 9.3-9.7 and some 10.3 (strela 10m2, OSA-AKM are the most prominent), 2s6 and Tor-m1 are now sitting 0.3 less than they should be
If the stinger gets x2 overload, then it becomes on par with the strela10m2, in the case of the stormer AD, surpassing it with a radar and a gau12 cannon
i genuinely take the leo2k Over the 2a4 into top tier as a back up due to the mobility and 20mm cannon.
Thermals arent that big a deal there for me
I don’t understand who is better/worse at target acquisition, but if you make the Stinger as you describe (overload x2 and acquisition range x2-x3), then this missile should not play against the early jet junk that its carriers are currently fighting, they are already toxic to most 9.0-10.0 aircraft.
Strela is 10.3 because it gets Photo Contrast mode, so you can lock much further away, It also has a low FoV seeker head.
It is hard to balnce IR missile only SPAA however, Santal, type 93, Strela and Ozelot need some sort of buff not related to shooting down planes, cause at least with SACLOS and other SPAAs you can defend yourself against tanks however effective.
The only things its decent at killing is Frogfoots and warthogs, everything else is too fast and agile for the really trash seeker to keep track or lock
Yeah I would say Gen 1 thermals should not warrent a BR step for identical tanks.
Big examples being - Type 74g and Sho’t Kal Dalet, I wouldnt be mad about them going down a BR , they would jsut be slightly better then TT but premiums but not broken ie 2S38, T80UD level
the T80UD is a differnt ball game though it has 11.7 armour levels.
however i like the type 74G at 9.3, its got slightly more armour, better mobility/ transmission, and im sure turret traverses.
I have it expert but im not on WT right not to compare.
the shot kal dalet as well for the isrealis i think has slightly better turret traverse, i have it too but again not on wt to check.
the anti-aircraft guns on these BRs are already too toxic and literally several planes can play against them, so for a better setup we need to lower another one even lower?
Bad logic
yes, but at the same time it does not have a radar, which is why most players die on it without even seeing the enemy
But if they do find them, they very often do not even leave a chance for the enemy, it is difficult to balance
Well, nothing can be done, these machines were created for a specific purpose in life. By the way, regarding the Type-93, I still don’t understand why its missiles received photocontrast, but it didn’t even get 0.3 BR, while the Strela got +1, and the Tan-Sam +1.3
Most of these BR aircraft lose speed so much after a couple of maneuvers that they are easily hit by a stinger
many of them do not even have the worst SPO or heat traps to fight AA