Get the FV4030/3 in the Enter the Serpent Event!

they all have flares which will distract the missile and are flying so low one hard turn is sufficent

Type 74G, taklen from the Wiki - Compared to its tech tree counterparts, the Type 74 (E) and (F), it has the IR floodlight replaced by a thermal imaging system and a minuscule upgrade to its protection in the addition of side skirts. IMO still not worth hte BR jump, jsut FYI i got this and the type 16fps recently and have played about 100 games in them, type 16 fps is better in most situations. Currently type 74g is the worst 9.3 premium in game by far, with the Leos coming a distant second. I have aced the XM1GM, Tam2ip, OF40MTCA, played TT version of the Leo1A5.

Sho’t Kal Dalat - Same stats on Wiki as TT version

Maybe I’m bad at counting, but among 9.0-10.0 aircraft (aircraft that these AA are supposed to fight with) only a few have flyers in any quantity
In fact, only at ± 10.3 do planes start to appear that can well counter AA with IR missiles, but they easily meet 2s6 and tor-m1 lol




only if the sting is launched into the front hemisphere, when launched from behind everything is more complicated

now tell me which of these are the most used for CAS in the 9.3-11.3 region

which is 80+% of all SPAA engagements in WT

Blockquote the anti-aircraft guns on these BRs are already too toxic and literally several planes can play against them, so for a better setup we need to lower another one even lower?
Bad logic

Im suggesting the ZA35 go up in BR cause its so good as a anti tank TBH, its irst tracking is also very good so most people play it without using the radar much.

I dont know what you mean however, do you want some spaa to go up cause thier too good ? did you mean to say can’t insted of can ?

Other parts of the post are understanable, but IMO Gepard 1A2 stays at 9.7, Stormer AD goes 9.7, SIDAM Minstral goes 9.3, all of them can be defeated by a compotent CAS player.

So what is the reason for breaking event schedule now? It should’ve been two ships and a plane this cycle. Two previous times were date-specific events, such as D-Day being an allied meme tank, and birtday being “dreams come true” asked by nobody meme tank. If someone says something about Chinese New Year - it’s also incorrect, because 292 had no relation to it, and “Shir” is “lion” in Persian, which makes no sense for year of the snake.

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up to 10.3 from the strong aircraft I would highlight only the A4 series and Hunter F58, because they can destroy opponents outside the air defense zone
The rest in my opinion are garbage, because they require too much to destroy tanks, but at the same time are easy prey even for cannon air defense
and 10.3+ is a separate topic for discussion

not true

This would look really cool if it was an m60 in jungle camo and some dead bushes (cool event, Just saying that would be a cool background for an m60)


Sorry, I didn’t say anything about ZA35 at all, but I included it in the quote.

honestly the main problem is that BR is too compressed starting from 9.3 ± and downgrading anyone else is a mistake in my opinion

the main problem is that there are not many good planes in the 9.0-10.0 range for this, but on those that exist, it is possible, yes

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I thought the jungle setting would fit a vietnam era tank a lot more than an 80s tank designed for Iraq too

on that note when vietnam era event? maybe one that references a movie or something?

Well the perfect vietnam era event vehicle was wasted on a battle pass, the Sheridan with a 76mm gun. Hopefully there will be a cool vietnam tank (which isn’t another M48 derivative) for the next event.

imagine an m113 LMAO would be cool but kinda useless

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another boat with flamethrowers from Vietnam was used for BP

The current best CAS palnes in that BR range is ;

Scimitar (Great energy + 4 bullpups, can outrange SPAA)

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zippo IIRC, yep it was the zippo

Yeah I’m good playing Challengers after using the Chally DS. There’s always the appeal of collection but I’m starting Calculus 2 soon and that’s far more important

yes, I know about all these planes and have flown many of them
But after the weather conditions change, the plane with AGM12 still needs to get into conditions where it will be allowed to fly above 500-800 meters

there is some very interesting modifications of the M113 from places like Indonesia where it acts as their own bradleys or warriors. The houthis have even strapped AML-90 turrets onto them making quite a spicy AFV.

we even did it to our equivalent vehicle (FV432 bulldog) where we put Fox turrets on them. Im quite surprised that there isn’t one of these cursed hybrid vehicles in game yet

ok, that was a long conversation, I hope that shir 2 will be good, but for now I’m leaving, bye