this is rank 6, here the cost of modules is cheap
300mm pen against 10.7 🤤
Can’t wait for it to be implemented wrong, and then refused to be fix even though the bugs are marked “Acknowledged”.
45k? HA! Next joke
Yay we have to use the underperforming APDS against abrams wooohooo!!!
What is it with Gaijin giving us event vehicles that have no practical use due to their BR?
We have no other 9.7 tanks.
@Smin1080p_WT Can you just give the FV4030/3 L23A1, move it to 10.0 as we actually have a few 10.0 vehicles and the L23A1 puts it on par in firepower to most of our 10.3s.
Either that, or find someway to nerf it slightly so it can be 9.3 instead.
Either way. 9.7 is a really dumb BR for it as we have no 9.7 line-up so its either going to be uptiering other things or be uptiered itself.
my face when no 9.7 line-up,
Maybe MBT-80 could come one day, if only the gun was fitted
They keep doing this to us. Like the Jaguar IS. Only reason to use it over the Tornado Gr1 is if you dont have the Tornado Gr1. and it was and is at a BR where its simply of little value to try and use
Designed for Iran you say?
Well, surely this thread will be filled with so many people saying it should go to USSR or China like the f14 …
… right?
At least the reload speed seems nice.
It looks menacingly as well.
9.7 has a Roikat 105/MTTD and a Harrier GR3, there’s no point in sending it to 10.0
only other 9.7 is the Rooikat 105.
Is this picture verified though?
He already said its not getting the L23A1 round ( which it would of had access to) due to where they want to put it Br wise.
Which is shambolic tbh
MTTD is 9.3
Rooikat 105 is 9.7 but is a premium and im not buying a premium just to get a second 9.7 vehicle.
Harrier Gr3 I think there is hope to get it down to 9.3 in GRB next BR change. At least I plan to make that suggestion if no one else does.
Yeah, though that is kinda my point. 9.7 is jsut a really bad BR placement for it. Fair enough if they wanted to keep it at 9.0/9.3 but restricting its loadout to maintain 9.7 just feels really wierd
Though I dont see why it couldnt just be 9.3 in its current config. Chieftain 10 has L23 and LRF and its only 9.0.
Yeah it does seem nice.
But 9.7 with L23 is pretty poor.
Considering other 9.7s have far better rounds…
L23A1 and make it 10.0 seems a smarter idea IMO or nerf the reload n make it 9.3 but 9.7 with that round is not good.
after receiving MTTD DM33, to be honest I still don’t understand why it is 0.3 lower than the premium version, because it is better
good idea
More like DM13. Unless you’re going off the Leclerc
It is really weird .
Could give it a chieftain reload rate, for example, put it to 9.3.
rather than give it the 9.0 round, and put it at 9,7
would say the jaguar GR1 (9.7) but its such a pain with the thrust and the no CMs it becomes pointless over the harrier.
yeah my apologies, always get mixed up with the DM13. 23 and 33
what is the difference between the shir 2 and the chieftain 2000? I know they are different I just want to know what makes them different