45000 seems just about right! With a bit less, I might be foolish enough to waste my time on it. But with the values as they are, I will not waste much thought on this event at all. Keep up the good work, Gaijin!
A - ADATS M113 already in UK
As in the T-72M1, its only just but possible. Both L23 & L23A1 can pen the UFP of an Abrams @ 500m, depending on the spot of course.
It’s not bad, I tend to take it for urban maps, it’s significantly more mobile than the CR1s in those situations so it’s a nice side-grade to the Vickers Mk.7 when combined with the decent hull armour. It’s not bad for sniping either tbf, if you can work around the depression.
750.000 for the market place voucher is just too much.
your better off working overtime, spending the rest of the time with the family and buying it from the market, let somebody else do the grinding for you lol
Except they don’t.
Every tank with inferior mobility and/or armor have superior rounds to Challenger and Leopard 2A4. That’s it.
are we comparing the 2a4 which is 10.7 to the CR1 Mk3 which is also 10.7? as the L26 round is substantially better than almost any other 10.7 round, Only 3bm42 and the DCT round of china come close to it.
The L23A1 round sits at 10.3 as its comparible to DM23 pen value wise.
No, I won’t play the event. We just finished one anyways^^ Gajin should give it a bit more time. These constant events devalue these quite alot.
750k pts are that much, its hopeless.
No, the Challenger Mk2 at 10.3 cause that fires a round similar to Leopard 2A4.
Further proof that without thermals it drops in BR.
45 x 9 = 405000. /1.33 = 304,512 score needed for the tank.
wdym? the shir 2 isnt getting the same round to the MK2 CR1 its getting the same round to the 9.0 chieftain mk10 and 9.3 Khalid.
the 2a4 fires a round similar to the L23A1.
Not the make believe L23.
Its a substantially worse round due to the angle pen loss.
so the leopard 2a4 has comparable armour? id say CR1 is better.
far better mobility.
slower reload by a little bit 1 second aced.
better survivablity due to the ammo placement and crew placement.
The 2a4 Is comparable to the mk3 CR1 hence they sit at the same BR.
The mk2 CR1 is marginally worse.
The mobility and effective survivability of the Leo2a4 put it at 10.7 the DM23 isnt what puts it there.
I may be getting mixed up here cause ive got a few chats going on at once so if ive miss interprated please let me know. I dont midn the shir 2 being 9,7 for example getting l23a1 but if it goes to 10.0 it needs the L23A1
Scimitar went up in BR after having its TVD removed
Scimitar never changed BR and never had thermals. It was introduced at 7.7.
on DEV it was 7.3, which honestly from its performance is still too high
So the Fox is too high in BR as well?
Dev BRs aren’t actual BRs.
the fox has the agility to do 7.7, scimitar is in practice slower than a chieftain, if it gets fixed to be realistic then 7.3-7.7 would suit it.
IR sams are some of the deadliest there is no way to avoid them if you make the mistake and enter there envelope, dodging Pantsir to only get slapped by a Strella is not a good time.
The Stormer ADs stingers are near non functional most the time
@An_Pigeon Well
It’s a bit of a shame that it’s not a TT, the progression is more jagged because of that
how did you get shir in your hangar?
these are screenshots from gzabi99