Get the FV4030/3 in the Enter the Serpent Event!

Clearly know nothing about the shir 2 then.

It never even came close to being exported as the goverment it was to be exported to was overthrown and the shah of iran was diposed, britain cut all ties long before iran was anywhere near getting these.

Tell me, what tech tree, should it be in?
British designed, developed and manufactured tank.

Should it go to russia?

The export nations players if they want it have to do the same as the australian, canadian and indian players.
And probably play a nation they dont like …
That doesnt mean it doesn’t belong there, unlike rhe T90 Bhishma

Its actually for once a nice addition, and i for one am looking forward to getting it and using it with similar vehicles


I like how Gaijin, just by mentioning Iran, made some people seriously think that Iran seriously has this tank in their life


Like what tech tree should it justifiably go to in their eyes?

The F14 from iran went to america and iran literally used it after the revolution.

Unlike this tank which as far as im aware never even made it to their country.

It boggles my mind.
Like this, is a genuinely unique vehicle, and for britain, something that may not be meta defining but its nice.

Then you get someone saying that it doesmt belong in britain, confuses me greatly.

Im a fan of the chieftains and what not, this post spurned me to look a bit deeper into the shir 2, not the cr1 development from it.

And its a genuinely pretty nifty tank and will he a nice addition to britian

Gaijin has already chosen the only option

everything is so

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Oh im well aware.
I mean the people that are saying it isnt in a tech tree like it probably should be.
like where would they put it.

yup it is so

you know an event is bad when the most interesting part of it is the wallpaper. 45k for a chally 1variant is just ludicrous.


45k is too high.
But it is by no means a bad event.
Hell that T80UD/BE was a worse event due to it being a literaly copy paste T80UD with thermals.

This is atleast unique in some aspect.

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the t80ud is at least a good vehicle. The chally 1 isn’t.

the CR1 is a fantastic vehicle, what u on about xD

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Because in 2024 a naval event apparently earned them 6% on average of what they would have earned with a naval or air event, for comparable promotional and development expense.

Any time a company does something that loses them 94% of their earnings over what they would have gotten doing the other thing, that’s going to be seen as pretty disastrous, and they’re likely not going to want to do that again. Certainly it’s going to be harder for them to stick to their “33% of all events will be naval” promise going forward into 2025, facing those kinds of numbers.

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so fantastic that you never see them (outside of the premium variants and a few here and there) and are always very easy kills.

you dont see british vehicles often.

The cr1s are probably on the better side of the 10.7s.
The CR1 MK2 at 10.3 is a good tank too, good reliable armour, good round, fantastic reload, great turret traverse and armour.

You may be thinking of the CR2 which is the worst top tier out there right now.

The 10.3 and 10.7s cr1s are pretty strong tanks.

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Statistically speaking your spot on.

The navel player base just isnt big enough at all for it

It would be actually a nice addition to USSR at that BR, considering it’s something with a working gun depression and double digit reverse speed.
But the thing never getting exported in the first place shuts this down completely.

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I mean a leopard 2a4M.or m1a1 aim would of been nice in britain.

At least the r80B and obj292 has a tiny bit extra depression (clutching at straws for it in ussr)
Unfortunately a bi product of that nice low profile.

But yeah feasibly it can only go ti britain

AIM would’ve been perfect for UK to spice it up with something actually mobile that has amazing firepower.

Going back to that from -9/-10 degrees is like going back from 144Hz to 60Hz monitor, it’s disgusting.
Same applies for the reverse speed as well.

Eh, honestly if you can’t snipe without thermals I’m going to call a skill issue, it’s going to play like a faster Chieftain Mk.10 (strong turret-weak hull).

Or give the tank the best chance to be able to snipe? At that BR nearly every tank has thermals all the premiums do and if it’s in the 9.7- 10.0 arena it’s facing Leopard 2A4 which have thermals and armour not to mention L23 is just crap.

Why does every tank Britain have. have to be a skill check?

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I mean seeing as britain trialed both an M1A2( I think it was an A2) and a Leo2 they could theoretically got either. which would of changed the dinamic entirely!

Believe me, i know.
its genuinely brutal, its why im trying to transition back to nato from china RN as ive currently been at 11.0-12.0 for them and got used to it.
NGL the playstyle difference is pretty substantial. took me plenty games to get back into the nato swing.

L23 is a great round, I’m not sure why there are many posts lying about it.
L15A5 is inferior to L23.