Get the FV4030/3 in the Enter the Serpent Event!

either way, 8 US BB’s you can visit, 0 from anywhere else

4 of which are Iowa class

America fuck yeah.

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oh yeah, US only nation where real battleship used as film set too, also an Iowa class, more proof its the GOAT battleship

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That’s some serious burgerboo bravo sierra there

8 surviving US battleships kept as musuem ships, 0 from anywhere else, we are the only ones keeping big gun naval history afloat

5 US carriers kept as museum ships, 0 from anywhere else, again, US only nation keeping pieces of history like that

10 nuclear powered submarines outside of USA, most of which (russian) are torn apart, 17 in the US alone

so it is not BS at all

I dont think “time” in that regard matters in this case. Gaijin knows that a 45,000 requirement is just inconvenient enough to get people to spend the money necessary to get the star. Either through using GE to finish out whatever they couldn’t grind out, or to get the player who knows this is a waste of time to slog through and will just flat out pay the GE for every star or biy it off the market.

It is a win/win for their monetization model. You pay money in their free to play game to circumvent the core gameplay because it is inherently inconvenient at its base level. The event itself isn’t even fun, as it doesn’t bring anything new or interesting. Its just a one off export model that disappoints the export nation’s players because it isnt in a tech tree like it probably should be. Sort of at the point personally where they could have an F/A-18 or the F-22 protoype someone mentioned as an event vehicle and I still wouldnt try for it or waste any money. Dont know how many times a playerbase can say the same “the requirements are too steep” to a studio that just doesn’t seem to care. Luckily MH Wilds is right around the corner.


YF-23 was the competitor to YF-22, YF-22 won and became F-22, but id like to see both YF-2x ingame as tech tree or squadron

they could actually make a event version without taking away from TT though, a YF119 YF-23 as event would work pretty well


the YF-22 and the F-22 are almost different aircraft. The YF-22 or YF-23 would make for unique event rewards without spoiling the TT version of the F-22.

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there are 4 YF-22/YF-23

YF119 engine YF-22 and 23, and YF120 engine YF-22 and 23, so they could add a tt, event, premium, and squadron of each one, they all are reasonably different too

personally, would have YF120 YF-23 as the tech tree option, YF-22 PW119 as premium, YF-22 PW120 as squadron, YF-23 PW119 as event

There isn’t really any reason to add the ATF test aircraft as TT variants, since none of them had any air combat avionics installed and I don’t even think the YF-23’s had guns or functional weapons bays during the testing.

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YF-22 did fire AIM-9, YF-23 was provisioned for basic a2a load iirc. and anyways, theyd done far greater stretches of reality before than a YF-23 with fully working weapons bays

would be lower BR alternative to get ppl used to stealth fighter gameplay

YF-22 also fired Amraams during testing IIRC, but neither of them had radar sets installed at any point during the testing, and by the time the APG-71 got mated to the F-22 it was a very different aircraft to the YF-22. I just don’t see a world where these things get added as anything more than a novelty aircraft.

yeah, if they did get added i would hope 1 tt foldered under something, and 1 squadron, to have maximum ease of getting so people dont have to grind an event that will break a score requirement record

“We don’t do that here” -Snail man

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The turret is armoured the hull isn’t
Omitting thermals and it is still going to have to snipe like a CR1 is going to make the tank much harder to play. Especially when like most export tanks thermals would have been offered as an extra.

Cough VFM5

Dont the way they model HE is a joke.

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What is its battle rating?

Mission points can only be obtained when playing vehicles of the same nation as the event vehicle. Need to add conditions and reduce mission points to balance nations in battles.

Now I have a reason to fully spade the Boxer MGS

That thing is 9.3 and rightfully so, missiles are pretty trashy.

Proper Stinger would be on par or better than 9M37M, so putting them at 10.3 would be the minimum, with better variants like LAV and Stormer moving up to 10.7/11.0.