it seems to be intended w/o giving any reason
yay more silly cars
Fun vehicle, but its sad that Italy only receives C&P for the TT and the unique stuff is limited to events/battlepass/premiums only.
Just like the IAR-93.
Just to do the math on 2 coupons, counting today there’s 7 days left in the Strasbourg event, and 14 for the Fiat, with 4 days overlap.
If you were patiently doing the Strasbourg for coupon, 41,667 points a day, you have 300k left. Add 600k for the Fiat total over 17 days means average score needed for both goes up to 53,000 score per day, about 10-12k per day more score net that just got added.
Is it going to be a premium since it’s rank five?
First, the start/stop times are used worldwide. Can’t change them to be perfect for everyone. Second, you can convert the time on many websites AND there is a built in calendar on the forums here that will convert it for you.
Button for calendar/timer in the forum:
Set to GMT, set the date, set the time, click the blue “Insert” button bottom left:
(You can see my “current timezone” highlighted at the top too, 4am for me)
Here are the times below, they will automatically convert to your device’s set internal time and date:
FIAT 6614 FIROS Event Start and End time+date:
Probably not since the PLZ-83-130 is also Rank V and not premium
Doesn’t matter when they start/end, you still get the same 48 hours as everyone else.
Its 1 pm for me its pretty good
This will probably be a niche dumpster fire, just like the Aubl 74 HVG
make it a premium
Wdym it’s going to be trash?
Will be fun, but the grind…
How come?
My baby…
I thought their wish was that there will be no overlaping events so they changed the system like 8 vechicle ago
Didn’t ask for you opinion
I mean maybe I was asking for too much? 😅
But it kinda sucks to lose time when it starts and ends during bed time. I was hoping (coping) it would be standard
Ye, I feel you lol. I have missed sales/events before, so I ALWAYS do the time/date conversion right away now 😂
Whole squad of these bad bois lol.
This the perfect counter on day 1 is Afghan Shilka (happy brrrt noises)
35k is really easy to achieve.