Get the FIAT 6614 FIROS in the Rocket Storm Event!

Both 6614/16 should only got Italy, Somaliland isn’t a sub of the UK so the vehicle should be placed where it originated from like the Canadian Leos in German

Does this include the South African Class 3(P) going to Britain then? Or the Swiss Hunter for Britain as well? If Italy ever recieves the Peruvian 6616 it would come as a premium/event vehicle, why would they need another 6616 operated by Somaliland as another premium/event vehicle?

Both fill similar gaps and also perform similarly as well, it doesn’t make sense for both to go to Italy quite frankly. It makes sense to split them, one for Italy and one for Britain - Somaliland has next to no historical connection to Italy, but they’re a very close nation to Britain.

Also the Korean version of the CM16614/16 is the KM-900 which was only fitted with 7.62 and 12.7, so it would be useless in-game

It would come into the game as a 1.3 to 2.0 SPAA for either America or Japan, 30mm~ of penetration and adequate armour.

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Why are the events overlapping? I just barely have time to do one task over the course of two days, let alone two.

Guess I’m not getting this, I’d rather have Strasbourg anyway


I hope you do realise we’ve got vehicles in-game armed with only 12.7mm machine guns as SPAA? This wouldn’t be new at all, the Korean 6614 would have decent armour and okay firepower if its placed at a low BR.

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Ik but you need to realise a Cold War armoured car at low tier with a single 12,7 mm at 1.3/2.0 and with a top Speed of 100 km/h and a good acceleration Is very balanced

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It would literally be a T77E1 with worse firepower but better protection and mobility, I can see it being 3.7/4.0 maximum.

Finally an event worth grinding…

Because naval events only engage about 5-10% of the user base that the other event types do. Number of naval players in queue for the Strasbourg event seems to have barely ticked upwards at all.

Sucks if you’re one of that 10% though, I agree.


@Stona_WT hey so are yall getting rid of the policy of having a break inbetween major events? Because currently this one is starting during an ongoing major event


Finally a good event


If you’re just doing this to keep vehicles and you’re 6 stars in already, this isn’t a big deal, just need to double-tap your playtime Thu-Fri, or skip the free mods on the Strasbourg and just get 8 stars by the weekend.

If you planned to sell though, and were doing 41,000 score a day naval, and now have to do ANOTHER 41k score a day in ground for 4 days or give up one of the vehicle coupons, yeah, this sucks a fair bit. You could have done the naval score at a faster rate starting right now to make it possible, but they didn’t give you much time to adjust.


Of course, I understand. I don’t know the exact reason yet, but if this decision was made to avoid a conflict with the April Fools event, then it was somewhat predictable. However, if they had at least announced it in advance, players like me—who try to get all the event modifications whenever possible—could have planned accordingly, either preparing for it or choosing to focus on just one event from the start. Now that the event is already well underway, it’s hard to give up on the first one. I find it extremely disappointing that Gaijin made such a sudden decision without any prior notice or any compensation measures like shared score counting, ultimately causing unnecessary inconvenience to the players.


@Stona_WT it is actually 3 5k mission point? Because Zenturion7 video show 35k(the community is gonna be happy less)

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It is obviously just a typo. 35k is a standard for lower ranked event vehicles now.

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so we get this but can’t get a TT m151 jeep with tow missiles :(

It’s 35,000 mission points. This is a forum issue where it leaves a gap between numbers due to the way it has been formatted in bold. Fixed now.


35k :((
30k would be fine but eh :(((


just glad its an event I dont care about so can skip

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There’s hardly any breathers between events, and now they’re overlapping?? I know we are not forced to play events, but at this point I would be in favor if smaller multi-vehicle events. And please adjust the tasks to be more appropriate to local times, rather than it starting and ending within demon hours


Still going to overlap the two events??

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