i know but for a FIAT, its a bit too much
30k would be more balance
No, it’s sadly event. For events premiums go up to rank IV iirc
Depends on how much pen it has, it may be decent. If these rockets are skmilar to SNEBs it will work really well
But it’s going to be fun regardless.
They won’t give you a free rank V premium. I wouldn’t mind it going down to rank IV and gaining premium stayus though. It will end up at 7.0/7.3 anyway, so not beyond what a rank IV could be
Shame your on a public forum then.
Yeah but almost no one does the single-ship naval events and their player numbers are on a downturn compared to last year so… calculated risk.
Its a shame; with the battle rewards and shell accuracy buffs they will implement the next major update, I WOULD have grinded Strasbourg if it had come then… sadly, they made the Naval event at a time where Naval is unbearable, which is why I skipped it.
I miss the long lost slow pace, more tactical gameplay.
Time for an another episode of Crossout / War Thunder crossover I guess.
There have been some in the past though.
Edit: Thought the Cent MK2 was rank V, my bad
Now this is an event vehicle. You love to see it.
Well yes, but it’s not past. Devblog clearly says “event vehicle” as much as i hate it
Cent Mk.2 was from battle pass, so it’s different.
8.0 AUBL is rank V and is a premium from old event
Tbf, vehicles like this are for fun. Doesn’t need to be premium. The sort of vehicle you play even after grinding out the whole tree. Use the event - grinding for this vehicle as your chance to grind out that section if you really are focussed on grinding yourself towards the non-fun BRs.
Well, ofc, but it would be nice. We have VIII ranks of vehicles now, rank V is barely sufficient to grind out whole mid tier. It wouldn’t hurt for it to be premium
Fair, but Gaijin is about that $$$ and in their mind, they’ve already provided us with the solution: buy GE > put talisman on it. It’s what I did with Object279 back in 2020. Anyway, this vehicle represents an escape from the grind to me.
If talisman increased SL earning as well i would be content with that. But it doesn’t
This is probably to the fact it is again a copy-paste and not that it is naval.
I have to be gone for 4 days during the event, is it still possible for me to get it without paying?
I don’t think so, I think you can miss only 2 days.
EDIT: Actually you cannot miss any day in this case. Because you need to complete 7 tasks and there will be only 7 tasks in total.