Get the FIAT 6614 FIROS in the Rocket Storm Event!

USH-204 moment

After that AB rocket based nerf they introduced with reload boxes, I don’t see any point to this vehicle

Why British? lol

The Peruvian 6616 would probably go to Italy whilst the Somaliland 6616 would go to Britain as it was a protectorate of Britain for 76 years, it could still go to Italy though. Korea also operated the 6614 so that would probably also go to America or debatably Japan.

6614 Operators

6616 Operators

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i’m both glad we get to see and actually interesting vehicle, and i’m also terrified at the same time knowing there will be swarm of those things at some point. Should get the raketenautomat a run for its money.

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I’m gonna assume the date it starts and overlap is intentional, if they started after the naval event ended with the normal cool down it’d overlap with whatever April fools event runs.
And since naval has the least players overlapping with it will give the least amount of blowback now that they blowing through that sentence.

Naval thrown under the bus as usual


Kinda weird reasoning honestly.

I mean also fast.
I know about M50, and Type 60 SPRG
But theyare not same as Sweden U-SH405 or a bunch of wheeled vehicles from Italy.
(yes, USA has T114) but IRL there are much more such vehicles.

Great vehicle, cool decals as well, and of course a hreat quality Italian shotgun xd Looks like a great event, one of the better ones! :D

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if GJ has any reason for the earls start - why not communicate on this?


qpranger likes this

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Very nice as an event vehicle, plus the Benelli is beautiful. Thanks!

Let’s hope for further additions in the TT as well.

Both 6614/16 should only got Italy, Somaliland isn’t a sub of the UK so the vehicle should be placed where it originated from like the Canadian Leos in German.

Also the Korean version of the CM16614/16 is the KM-900 which was only fitted with 7.62 and 12.7, so it would be useless in-game.


I find it completely unreasonable that these events overlap. Even completing the ongoing event already requires a huge time commitment, and now players have to juggle two major events at once. At the very least, Gaijin should explain why they decided to break from their usual scheduling practice. In my opinion, the best solution would be to reschedule the next event to allow for the usual break period before it starts.


I think they done this to not interfeer with the april fool event


Depends entirely on if these missiles are good or not, I’ve seen how bad most of these missiles vehicles are, the 6614 gets one tapped by MGs so these better pack a punch.

even then they could have given any remark on this


Yes, Korea operated the APC variant with a single 12,7 mm and without, idk how much Is useful, and about the UK there are no more domestic armoured cars that need to be added?

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I totally agree. If they are going to push the schedule aggressively without prior notice, then at the very least, they should allow players to earn naval and ground event points simultaneously.


Well that’s disappointing