I don’t know. I Remember grinding some low br cinese tank and trying to penetrare that thing was not easy. Especially in small Urban maps
as I usually skip ground and air events (because its no premium) - parallel events are no big issue for me - but the change on event-cycle is remarkable…
I looked it up and it should have an AT-AP shell which looks like it is a heat shell
How many millimeters does it penetrate?
I couldn’t find info about that
looks more like a HEAT warhead (shaped charge near the bottom)
I mean it isn’t the exact same but will prob have comparable stats
It is exact the same
Yes, hopefully it will float on water, a ship with rockets, yay
not really it is heavier and slightly thicker in diameter
I like how everyone has failed to notice the smoke rockets
also found more info about it saying it should pen between 250 and 315 mm of armour
Seen near the bottom half of the left text
I found datamine, it seems there is a heavier variant of that rocket.
Hold on,an Italian vehicle?with funny MRLS shenanigans? The Event has 2 historical and pretty important decals?A BENELLI M4???AND THIS EVENT TAKES PLACE DURING THE ITALIAN UNITY DAY?
This is a rare occurrence but Gaijin cooked this time
Ground event, let’s go! I love the smell of GJC in the morning…
As a ground main, I do these with relative ease compared to air and naval, where I struggle to the point where I gave them up. So yay!
Very nice Gaijin, now can we see more 6616 and 6614 variants in-game? Nations like Peru and Somaliland operate their own respective unique variants which should be present in the Italian or British TT.
Peruvian 6616
We need more Italian wheeled vehicles in-game, especially the 6616 and 6614 series of vehicles as they’ve got many unique variants - we don’t even have the Fiat 6616 equipped with the Rh202 in-game, the predominant one still in service with most foreign operators.
I’m pleased with this event however, this genuinely does look fun and I’m definitely going to get my hands on it! Good job Gaijin
To be honest Italy isn’t the only nation that gets those small gremlins that spam HEAT.
I must have the XM-1014