I have to be gone for 4 days during the event, is it still possible for me to get it without paying?
I don’t think so, I think you can miss only 2 days.
EDIT: Actually you cannot miss any day in this case. Because you need to complete 7 tasks and there will be only 7 tasks in total.
damn… im going to london
Likely to penetrate 200-300 mm with a heat head, hopefully also an HE version
It’s more because all the naval events comparatively have been very unpopular, and it’s likely this one was as well. You can evaluate how successful these single events are by calculating how much GJN Gaijin got back for their investment on that vehicle’s best market day. Naval events only make back 5-10% of what the air and ground ones do. While it’s true that could be because none of the naval offerings yet have been truly unique, it also speaks to the overall popularity of the mode relative to the others. In fact, only two events so far have really exceeded expectations, I suspect, the 292 and the F-14, everything else has underperformed the mean.
Hi. Please see our detailed response on this here:
Will the overlapping naval stars get a reduction as well?
No, only Rocket Storm tasks 1 and 2 as mentioned.
Appreciate the response. It is important that you let us know that it is an exception.
Although we don’t play Naval much, we just want our 4 Naval players to be happy and able to participate in Naval events as well, without being discriminated.
Nice! :D
Now i have a reasonable expectation to actually finish this event even though i have 2 final exams coming within 10 days. x)
Why not points for tradable coupon aswell?
Good! Thank you Gaijin! You made it premium!
Due to the deviations from the original plan and the overlapping of the first two stages, Mark of distinction 1 and 2 in the Rocket Storm event will each take 20,000 mission score to complete instead of the standard 35,000 mission score.
Why would you reduce mission score for Ground with much better gameplay but not for Naval with atrociously broken gameplay loop?
As mentioned in the news article, it will be an event vehicle, not a premium vehicle. The current configuration for it on the dev server is not final.
Hmm did my question get answered somwhere else and thats why its being ignored?
It SHOULD be a premium. It’s not going to be commonly played, and significantly will decrease the the players trying to get it.
There hasn’t been a “high” tier premium in forever from events… it’s a bit odd.
What’s even odder, is that it’s not a crazy rank or br, just give it premium. The devs are making $90 premium planes which are outrageous, but an Italian vehicle cannot get this status ??
Because the overlap directly affects the first two tasks that are limited time tasks to complete.
I’m not surprised but still disappointed it’s non-premium. A previous event vehicle of the same rank, the AUBL 74 HVG, was a premium. We also have higher top tiers in the game now. This absolutely should be a premium vehicle.
I think that the overlapping events speaks to a bigger issue. These events are happening way too frequently. Even when the events are for different vehicle types, some people do want those vehicles and need a break.
Thank you magazine2 but let’s face it the problem is not exactly the 35k but the 600k coupon… that is overlapping with the 750k coupon.
Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the two stage that got reduced to 20k… Still… would appreciate more if the 600k would be something like 500k or hell 550k…
And before the hate… I do sell these coupons so I could buy stuff that I actually want.
While I can see your argument and point of view, Naval gets the massive 1.9x AB/2.2x RB multiplier to mission score. I know my results might not be typical, but I have been able to complete the current naval event tasks in 5-6 games. Finishing them in one day, and not even needing the second day to complete each task. Again, I’m not saying I totally disagree with your argument, but it should not be ignored how big the multiplier is for Naval event tasks.