Get the F-5A(G) in the Freedom Fighter Event!

I’ve been asking around at some forums, and according to a couple ex pilots/mechanics it actually did use the “Improved” Aim 9L, i trust them, but proving it is a different story, it might even be an Aim 9M according to what they say and it is highly likely, considering those were used on the F-16 at the same time period


Says at least their unique, then to remove 3 of em.

While they seem unique, they arent actually much difference in them, and splitting hairs to call it unique is quite silly, I do get what you mean though I’d rather see actual indigenious equipment from nation put into the game now, such as the mitsubishi F2 and the kawasaki T4 is it?

Yes, unique indigenous vehicles would be better, but the F-5s aren’t even close to being the biggest copy-paste offenders in WT.

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it should carry the improved 9l, its useless without it
the 9l is not what it used to be, it eats flares like crazy and at 11.0 practically everything has them
and F5A at 11.0 gets bullied
AJS37 is at 11.0 too even though its much better at everything

Idk, i do pretty well in the F-5A, dont get me wrong the missiles are nice and yeah they basically never get kills on slightly competent players. The F-5A is pretty good. At 11.0 you meet a lot of people who still try to gunfight and its just free kills. The AJS is a missile barge at best and id still take the F-5A for gun fighting at 11.0, for ground the F-5A at 10.7 is pretty silly when the Mig-21bis is 10.3, id say for the .3 br change between the F-5’s the 11.0 are way too compressed. At 11.0 ypu can have gimmick missiles with a weak engine and no radar gunsight which again its a better gun kill jet. Or at 11.3 you can have the better engines 4 missiles 2 python 3, gun sight, HMD, ccip. The F-5A(G) imo is fine at 11.0 but the Thai F-5’s should probably go up.or better yet we decompress everything.

Regardless the only people who are gonna still be playing the F-5A(G) in 2 months are die hard Norwegians and myself. Its honestly a breath of fresh air for a TT which is just pretty awful to play. I was looking for a good gun fighter and the Vampire was getting stale.

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11.0 is probably the worst BR rn and F5’s are overtiered (F5C,F5A,F5E US atleast)
this event F5 is just plain bad, the 9L is completely useless at this BR and you can go into guns dogfight only if you got downtiered otherwise you will eat a pulse doppler missile

Learning your vehicle is a key part. When i play the 9L is just a 9E to me. I use them to kill unaware players or force a player to try and dodge and bleed speed. First look for base bombers, you’re small and have great guns. You can normally always win headons. 2nd any Thai F-5E or the US F-5E is a fight you want to avoid unless you’ve got a friend. The F-5E has better low speed performance and a radar gunsight. The F-5A has better performance than the F-5E when going about .9 mach, stay around there and only turn and take 7G turns to prevent speed loss. F-5E players will bleed their speed to get gun on sight. Run away during this time. At this BR unless you know you’ve got friends and you won’t be third partied, stay fast and BnZ, trying to dogfight is a free pass into being sent to the hanger. Stay fast and try to kill fighters. I’ve had plenty of 4-6 kill games and plenty of no kill games where your team decides your fate.


its a F5, and on top of that its a F5A you arent outrunning anyone and you cant do BnZ especially not a f5e
the only kills you can get in this f5a are clueless bombers or some lucky gun dogfight

You can, stay fast and try to hit them with your guns, if you can’t they will attempt to get on your tail. Most jets are around 600-800kph in the furball in the center, i stay around 1100 kph if possible so i normally am faster. Most people try to catch you and then give up since its just not worth chasing you down. The F4EJ’s that often follow can’t beat me in a turn fight. And F-5E have around same speed at low alt, its not the best strategy but ive got a fairly good KD in the F-5A, if you don’t believe me just check my stats. It may just not be a vehicle for you. Additionally this will be a more difficult vehicle to use after the CM nerf it will get.

Not the craziest KD but its alright for a few games.

I used to love the F5’s even grinded out free ace pilot on F5C but ever since they were moved up they are useless unless they get a full downtier
F5C went from my favorite to most hated jet real quick
the only F5 I think has any sense is the japanese one

Eh, i get uptiers basically every match, i can’t think of a match i had where i wasn’t fighting Mirage F1C and Mig 23 ML’s lol, its definitely a vehicle that is carried by its guns, imo one of the best guns and aircraft for people who are familiar with dogfighting. Its a good vehicle to learn but to also just add to this. I have been playing sweden for a long time and air wise i was a fan of their jets when they removed all tracers so i had to get good with way worse guns. (This was for 3 years where they had no tracers.) The F-5A(G) is an excellent gun platform and the F-5C is just a better version. Though idk if 10.7 US gets a lot of downtiers, playing other nations 10.7 is pretty much always downtiers but idk if its the same for the US.

from my experience playing F5C its 95% uptiers against mig23’s
its a great gunfighting platform but then you just eat a radar missile that you cant do anything about

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Eh, biggest thing is the F-5A(G) can detect J band from the Mig 23 ML and such. Though not that staying low always helps against R24R lol. Though i love baiting Mig 23 ML and inexperienced F-5E players into a dogfight and shredding them with a “Worse” vehicle lol.

f4ej has PD tho so it can just pop you out of the sky with a radar missile and there is almost nothing you can do at these distances

actually staying low against r24r is worse now, mig23ml now cant use MTI when not looking below horizon so actually by going above it and popping chaff you only have to worry about IOG where as close to the ground MTI will find you

Never go high, you dont have a radar to detect targets at range play smart and if you know the missile is coming you can force it to crash into the ground. Sometimes you just don’t get the chance

Yeah lol, i will (depending on position) go up quickly and flip to trick the missile into pitching down to try and hit the ground. Its like maybe 40% chance it works, depends on my height and the map terrain lol.

Also i always carry the Penguin with me. If i didn’t carry it this vehicle would have no point lol, i mainly use it to try and bait people into thinking someone is climbing up high. Idl if it works but ill never not be seen with it.

No. The only PD phantom in the japanese tech tree is the EJ Kai. The EJ has the same radar as the F4E which is quite susceptible to chaff.

Working on finding more information about it, personally i am very certain it used the 9M

It would be great, noticeable increased firepower, but i believe it would get an br of 11.3-11.7

It would be probably better to not get them and stay at a lower BR, it still only has the F-5A flight model right? So it would struggle badly against 12.3s or 12.7s in an uptier especially with only 2 missiles .