Get the F-5A(G) in the Freedom Fighter Event!

Well if it were these it used it is should use them in-game, don’t think 11.3 or 11.7 would be too bad haha, don’t think it will be higher than 11.3 if it would get them

Yeah probably, seeing as things like the Thai F-5 with 2 Python 3s and 2 Aim 9P4s is also 11.3

with no iff on fcu flying in sim is asking for negative income :/
for me f5ag prob gonna be usable only in ground rb

Nah, just best turn off radar completely, and rely on RWR, situational awareness and communication (and positive visual ID of course.

The FCU is my favourite and best fighter in Sim.


im still sim-noob and have lack in personal skills u mentioned :P
radar and iff are must have for me…
i can score with planes equipped with above, if not present i usually get kicked out of match with -200 k lions :/
so i need planes easier to score, pref prems cuz cheaper in use
sadly there is no big choice in high tier jets

speaking of comunication - got in mind suggestion for browser map overhaul for visible pings - need little more thinking and i finally make a topic

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So what are all the different types of AIM-9s the F-5A(G) could carry and fire then (starting from the earliest to latest)?

On the Thai F5-E FCU, which is a squadron vehicle, it is not worth to add a talisman. How about this one here. Worth to use it as a grinder with talisman?

What do you mean? FCU is great, if you don’t like the FCU you won’t like the F-5A(G), id just say sell it since it may not be your type of vehicle. No offense if it sounded hostile.

I don’t remember fully, haven’t written them down, but it can look into it after ive sorted out the stuff on the L/I or M that i saw. Here are the ones i remember

  • Aim 9B (Believe it was the first missile used on it late 60’s)
  • AIM 9E (early or mid 1970’s )
  • Aim 9N1, N2 & N3 (prior to 9L, uncertain about date)
  • Aim 9L (Put in use from probably Late 1980’s or very early 1990’s)
  • Aim 9 L/I or M

Actually, if you add a talisman to a squadron vehicle, the bonus of the talisman ist not working for grinding the tech tree.

I am wondering if a talisman on an event vehicle will serve. Thats all.

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I don’t know, then, if squadron vehicle talismans aren’t working than it needs to be bug reported. It may work but this is also the first air event aircraft that isn’t premium so idk if it is also working with talismans.

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WHAT?! Are you 100% sure? And if yes, is there already a bug report that I can add my +1 to?

@Psusennes @Pheonix_RX01 EDIT: OH! Wait, so check if this is what you are noticing: Squadron vehicles do NOT research down to Tier 1 like premium vehicles do, even with a Talisman. Talismans only increase RP gain by 100%, but do NOT change the “Maximum Research Efficiency” shown on the stat cards. Squadron vehicles can ONLY research one rank below, and one rank above themselves at maximum efficiency, just like a normal Tech Tree vehicle:

So if you are trying to research a tech tree from scratch with a high ranked Squadron vehicle, with or without a Talisman, you will incur the Research Point penalties the same as a Tech Tree vehicle. Again, only Premium Vehicles get maximum research efficiency down to Rank 1 (and 1 Rank above their own Rank):


Well. Thats sad, cause my Swedish tree was never started. All I got is a squadron vehicle, a event ground vehicle and my f5 event vehicle. In short, not at all efficient to research the tree from rank 1-2

Sad because Finnland might become honoured with its F/A-18

The early Swedish props are great, i think you will be suprised. Aim for the T & B 18 bombers, those are great for ground punding and fighting, and speeds up the grind quite a bit

No ive known they dont research effectively, they are not premiums and only act like unavailable TT vehicles. Though i know some people are at different ranks and they talisman vehicles that are just fun grinders even if they aren’t effective.

I thought he meant the talismans on squadron vehicles weren’t actually adding their 100% rp bonus.

Eh, we still haven’t seen any leaks for a Finnish F18, at this point you’re better off just grinding the US. Sweden doesn’t have much to offer unless you’re a fan of the few unique vehicles, even then most are not new player friendly and can be quite frustrating to play.

I wish squadron vehicle is like premium but you can grind it

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Hehe, I kinda assume @Psusennes would prefer a Swiss Hornet anyway… ;-)

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I need Finland to actually have a purpose air wise. F18 wpuld actually be a huge win for a change in gameplay

The f5?

Theres two in the chinese tree? Three in the US what 3 in japan and now this one?

I think theres more F5s than there is Leopard 2a6 and a5s.

While i get its not a bad plane that doesnt detract from the fact its a cnp plane