The one with the F-5 special i believe, same as in your report.
lmao mb, im losing it waiting for written acknowledgment of declassification on the manual lel.
i will rewrite a longer one tommorow, and publish it the second i get the green light!
Looking forward to it!
us agencies took like 30 days to respond
ccip report closed again sounds like needto get officcial sierra gec marconi documents to get it accepted
Can you get the camo as well as the sell coupon? I clicked redeem reward on the camo by mistake and now I can’t get the coupon. I’m unsure if I have to just wait or if I screwed myself.
Those should not be linked in any way.
Don’t think jamming pods are a thing in-game yet tough
Interesting enough, the Samovar is a Norwegian developed pod, and it was used in missons together with the chaff pods escorting F-16’s armed with penguin missiles. Saw something about it being used two jamming pods on the senterline pylon, an Samovar and an 176, might be an misunderstanding tough
Yeah, the plan was to use the dual-pylon used on the F-104’s. They wanted to mount it one the centre pylon, but the SAMOVAR and the ALQ-176 required more power than generated by the aircraft. Therefore it was decided to only use the Samovar. As told in “Oppdrag utført : Norges luftmilitære kulturarv”.
Have you found any more information about the A-38N pod?
Yes, someone got acess to some technical manuals (Declassified OFC) with some additional information about them, but won’t be ready for any report until 1 week into March
Are they ALE-38’s stuffed into ALE-2 shells?
Not a single one on the marketplace, yet
What do you mean?
I believe it wont appear there before the event has officially ended february 27?
7 days after the 9th MoD then the sale begins
Now look, I hate copy paste as much as the next guy, but atleast most of the F-5s are unique. I do believe, though, that the Japanese F-5A, aswell as the Chinese F-5A and E should be removed.
Does anyone know whether the F-5A(G) ever in general carried the AIM-9L/I or was it never fitted/fired? Seeing how the F1C is already a thing I could see the F-5A(G) with 2x AIM-9L/Is sitting at around 11.7.
it never carried Aim-9L/I. Only Aim-9L
I’ve been asking around at some forums, and according to a couple ex pilots/mechanics it actually did use the “Improved” Aim 9L, i trust them, but proving it is a different story, it might even be an Aim 9M according to what they say and it is highly likely, considering those were used on the F-16 at the same time period