Get the F-5A(G) in the Freedom Fighter Event!

so the way I understand how the penguin works, is that you shoot it at a target (or in the general direction) and it will lock on by itself after its already launched? could this be a test bed for other selflocking agm’s like brimstones and anti-radiation-missles and such?

No it uses guiding mechanism of already existed AGM-65G, IIR sensor.

what does IIR specifically stand for?

Imaging InfraRed. In game it is similar to tv guided.

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I meant it in the sense that it locks onto a target after it has been fired

Its literally the exact same as a AGM65A, both lock on to a target after firing. Fire at the first vehicle in a convoy and it will likely hit one of the later vehicles. Its a reskinned Maverick

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oh I didnt know that about the maverick

Yeah AGM65A will start seeking targets after it reaches 2.5km thats why spaa are easy to deal with because you can fire a missile from air soan and spaa will sit still allowing you to hit them. This thing will have a huge contrsil which mens all spaa will see it coming so its actually worse than a maverick.

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This would make the jet way more interesting.
I suggest to make a bug report ASAP to have some chance of seeing it ingame.

I think this doesn’t account for channel loss when the engine is installed in the aircraft.

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Besides, managed to find the Tailnumbers of the planes modified for the testing, those were 3x F-5B(G) (243, 244,og 136), wich are twoseaters, but that enables an potential event vehicle in the future with NSM? haha

The F-5B(G) 244 at Rygge Norway, before the potential test firing took place.


The pilot’s comments are of course not valid as a souce

after further research, it should have been given CCIP with the 1991 upgrade/update, but i am trying to find some more specific sources on it

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The G.91YS uses J85-GE-13A with 1890 kgf afterburner thrust in game. These are license built J85-GE-13 engines, so the F-5A’s engines should probably be more powerful.

Edit: The F-5A have currently 1430 kgf afterburner thrust. So would be a good improvement.


Regarding the JATO:



From “Northrop F-5/F-20/T-38” by Frederick A. Johnsen


This is what the “bracket” looked like, here shown mounted on one of the surviving planes at one of the aviation museums!



With 4x bottles and 4.000LBS of thrust for 15 seconds, the take off distance would drastically
be shortened :D


Found some info regarding the upgrade of Canadian CF-5A and B to CF-116A and D. It was performed by the same corporation that upgraded the Norwegian ones. Edit: Bristol undertook some structural changes on the RNoAF F-5s.




I asked Smin about it and he said that thrust can be different depending on the channel loss of an aircraft.
Therefore I think those that are still 1890kg, they are overperforming more than what the engine in perfect condition could perform aka test bench.
4080lbf is around 1850kgf, like the norwegian source.


So the G.91Y is going to have its engine power reduced to 1430 kgf a?

It probably wouldn’t be exactly 1430 kgf as Smin said different airframe = different channel loss.
But I ain’t reporting it either as it would take time and would leave the plane with a screwed FM.


Add the new roundel as a decal for using on every plane please!!! why would you say you’re adding it and then change your mind???


@Til_Dovre_Faller are you able to bring this up the chain please? a clean roundel is something I’ve wanted more than anything for longer than I remember now… :(