Get the F-5A(G) in the Freedom Fighter Event!

from what i have seen, (i am trying to find information about it) it did use CCIP/CCRP, just need to find any source to prove it, wich has proven itself to be very very hard


I wish you the best of luck


According to several sourced published by the Norwegian Defence Museum it seems to have a little weaker eignes in-game than what it should be

Screenshot 2025-02-04 203432

Cuurently in-game: 1360kgf
According to the Defence Museum: 1850 kgf


Well considering its currently using the F5E FM its yet another thing to bug report, time to add it to the list

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Working on it, but what do you mean by F5E-FM?

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Thank you for doing leg work to find info’s to correct/improve vehicles 🍻

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Aaa, i see, thank you

Saw, that it 4 hours ago had the correct eignes, but not correct performance

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Yeah but idk if the museum detail would be enough to get its engines changed, wouldn’t be a huge buff but it makes it more unique

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I have found several sources describing this, both books and websites, but data published by the Army/Defence museum should be thrustworthy

It also provides information it has an max speed of 1489 Km/h/Mach 1.43 at 10.972meter/36.000 feet. Currently in-game it is 1408 km/h at 10.668 meter.


Brilliant work, now to get the snail to actually change them once the vehicle is added Thursday


Just to make sure I keep my sources legal for my stuff in doing in regards to the seeker my understanding is this stamp is for documents that have been declassified correct?
I don’t need this document as I have others from the US government that I absolutely know are under unlimited worldwide distribution but it’s still nice to have more than less.


yes, this is unclassified

Avgradert/Ugradert means unclassified.

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You know, I disagree with you about the presence of CCIP/CCRP on the F-5A(G). After all, you yourself dumped the books Oppdrag utført: Norges luftmilitære kulturarv and FLY BRUKT AV DET NORSKE LUFTFORSVARET Nr 31 F-5. And they indicate that HUD, INS, ADC(Air Data Computer) from the F-16 were added. But according to the F-16 manuals, CCIP and CCRP are provided via the FCC(Fire Control Computer). But the FCC was not installed on the F-5A and it requires a lot of space on the aircraft (remembering the attempt to squeeze all this into the F-5E).

Isn’t this a test engine thrust?

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The eigne the Norwegian f-5 used is the J-85-GE-13

The reason i am quite sure it has that capability is that it more or less has been said by previous pilots of the f-5, however i am trying to find more information about it, if it is true, if it can be proved or if it is just comfusion haha

Um, but the F-5A/C in the game also uses this General Electric J85-GE-13 engine?

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Well, the pilot’s interview is probably a bad source, I’m not sure?

Why I’m not sure about the CCIP in the F-5A is because when I was trying to find information about Norwegian upgrades I found a description of the F-5E upgrade, which installed a HUD, INS, ADC, FCC, and half of the F-16 radar instead of the F-5E radar. And in order to install all the avionics, the Americans had to remove one of the guns to find place for the avionics. Where do you think they found the space for all this in the F-5A(G)?