My problem is that there is no way to catch up if you miss one. Like I want to have a social life as well as being a student
Surely. Suuuuuurely…
If you’re struggling with SIM grind then all imma tell u is that jumping down a bracket can help, even with stock vehicles.
If you’re struggling with air; well… I won’t… Lmfao
Ah, I haven’t tried Sim for grinding! In fact, I haven’t really played air Sim since 2017 or so, hahah.
I could give it a try next time! Will just need a few minutes to set up the HOTAS, but I think it could be fun.
That may help but M&K is workable
That’s not being a very good teammate if you’re just picking your nose in the back of the map alt tabbing in and out
And who said “I am in the back of the map”?
Alt-tabbing at the start of matches or while underway on large maps (specially on Naval) doesn’t mean being a camper or a passive player.
I’m just a basic average casual who plays for fun and not for stats (which is precisely what often leads to camping). Not sweating my ass off like my life depends on my stats doesn’t mean that I don’t put any effort into gameplay!
I was using “back of the map” as a figure of speech implying like not in the heat of the battle where you’re most useful to your team since it’s safe for you to watch yt shorts and what not.
I always go in the heat of the battle. Camping or staying back bores me, I am always on the move, playing the objective, flanking or advancing in any way.
Hell, some people even insult me for playing the objective because “that’s a noob thing” and the “skilled thing” is to “find a good position and spend the match there”. My playstyle is literally the opposite to that.
As I said- just because I write a comment on the Forums or watch half a short while underway right after the start of the match does not mean “sitting back to watch youtube safely”…
It’s just that I don’t have my eyes drilled into the game like my life depends on it.
I don’t even know where this comes from on the first place anyway xD
Yeah don’t get me wrong not trying to sound insulting just confused how you play aggressive while doing passive activities simultaneously
Oh, okidoki! No worries, I’ll try to elaborate, then, hahah:
Basically, I multi-task enough to just be chilling on the computer, but not so much that it would have a negative impact on gameplay most of the times.
For example; at the start of a match on a bigger map, I may leave the tank on CC going towards wherever I want while I alt-tab for 10-15 seconds each time until I am close to the action.
Or; if my engine, turret drives and gun are broken, and it takes 35 seconds to repair them… nothing changes whether I spend those 35 seconds staring at the repair timer or writing a comment on the Forums.
See, I care about doing well, of course; just not so much that I would have my eyes drilled into the game every single second.
Of course sometimes I’ve crashed while alt-tabbing, or I’ve been killed while on CC, but it’s not the norm and I don’t care enough to make a big deal of it.
Lately, though, I’ve been playing like garbage, but that’s not related to alt-tabs, rather just I’m not focused. Hopefully, I’ll get back on track when I can concentrate again xD
I was more thinking of without ge but I guess didn’t state that
Also, if you don’t want to grind, it will more than likely “only” be $20-$30 on the market initially, and probably stay under $40 for months/years. The CT-CV is still only $30 right now, and you might even be able to get it by putting a bid up for ~$25.
im fine with grinding I just want more flexibility with it
Seems like they’re ignoring the issues posted about protection with hard proof the armor on the MGS Vilkas are entirely incorrect including the turret. Event vehicle is ruined, oh well. And the Boxer is being slandered as if it can only protect against 7.62 rounds.
Missing plates, covered in “composite”, bulkheads missing, engine idle rpms aren’t correct, I’d imagine the gear ratio is probably wrong too, fantasy level ammo storage, and 3105 turret copy pasted onto the Vilkas chassis without the cargo containers for tools, huge imaginary car batteries being daisy chained under the turret, drivers port has a flat surface and is not separate instead of being a periscope through an angled plate. Oh and the little back port where the ammo is modeled has a whole in it only covered by 38mm of lego plastic allowing you to actually ammo rack it with a 7.62mg instantly, so not even 7.62 protected. I’m genuinely so disappointed because there is no shot the boxer only has 15mm thick plates.
If no changes are made to the armor and it gets an increase in BR when it hits live, this is going to be hot garbage once people know how weak it actually is, because I guarantee you the spall liner they’re going to add isn’t going to be segmented but one giant slab.
Below is just a few examples.
Even the drivers port plate alone looks like 60mm+ thickness if we consider the bolt is about 3/4 of an inch that holds the glass windshield. Yet is is a measly 15mm.
Issue moderators hiding behind a new bot name don’t care. This vehicle is going to be trash, they won’t acknowledge the stanag protection issue anymore since it holds valid information.
Boxer MGS is gonna be as is with some crew adjustments and spall liner. Nice.
With all due respect, but that bug report you wrote and show here is very badly sourced. You can’t just claim something from pictures alone.
This holds true in real life too. When you want to correct such mistakes, please provide adequate sources. You might disagree with what Gaijin considers legitimate sources, but I repeat: picture alone prove nothing. Some of you other issue reports do have adequate sourcing, but also tend to lean a bit too much on journalist websites or pictures.
Sure, the Boxer has many mistakes and the 3105 also has some small mistakes as well, but most of these are guessing mistakes of gaijin and some rushed modelling (like the 3D models of the crew positions). I’d give the Boxer 3105 a 7/10 in terms of how correct it is in game, which, considering in how much gaijin sometimes makes mistakes, is actually quite good for a vehicle of which other variants are in active service. Of course not IRL good, but close enough for a videogame.
Don’t forget that the 3105 turret is already in service in multiple countries. It is as much in their right to withhold as much information on armour profile as is possible.
Other people have used youtube videos before as sources, so this is moot. If you’re going to look at that picture and see the real thickness of the drivers hatch and go, “Yeah this is 15mm.” the average width of a human finger then you must be mad.
For example:
AMAP plates are missing from the driver module on the driver side for protection, in game they are not present. Clearly showing plates, yet not reply on either Vilkas or MGS being corrected.
And second, It’s directly advertised as Stanag level 5 by Cockerill. The turret also has AMAP-B mounted on top of that as is.
And it’s not correct, neither is the Vilkas. They’re missing whole armor plates, fake armor values when they are directly reported as Stanag level 4 protected, IBD even has this document stating 8x8 AMV’s (The boxer) are using AMAP-B Medium which is rated for stanag level 6. If they’re not even going to give Stanag level 4, this vehicle is honestly just as worse as the Maus in game. Neither Vilkas or MGS represent their real counter-part, mere paper vehicles with fake stats and literal toy apc model you can 3d print out on a website with a bit of editing.
If you’re gonna throw this in the oven by copy pasting the hull from the Vilkas right over with a different turret and say yeah this is fine is WILD
Essen Motor Show 2016
Very good close ups of AMAP-B mounted behind the front two wheels on the driver module for Boxers.
Congrats for literally describing most tanks in warthunder. Gaijin decides whether they accept reports or not as if the vehicle could go up in BR do to the reports they will not add them as they try to keep the vehicle at said BR. Similarly to the Cockerill reload nerf bug report that was denied for the sack of balance.