One as thousend, point still stand that the avrage player and random has a very hard time up to impossible time to get the acivements in time.
No avrage player is doing this kind of math and effort for a event. Your not a avarage player. This is sweat/tryhard terrtory(I am not insulting). Count SL and RP thour game hour times earth ration.
Avrage player is mor elike, is it fun? Yeah? I do it. Its not fun? Why even try.
Not logical but impulsive and feeling driven.
Go play an hour in Ground AB at say . . 4.3 - 5.7 BR’s, and let us know how many points “per hour” you can come up with. ALL of the games I play in this range have 2 - 5 TOTAL players scoring over 2000 in the majority of games, of the remaining players you will see they are going to average 800 -900 points per game, BEFORE penalties . . . yes penalties assessed for choice of game mode and BRs that you choose to play. What they have done with this penalizer system is worked very similar to the kill count and other objective based things that give RB & Sim multiple kills for each single kill they get. Which is fine, AB has more targets, more spawns . . . yeah, you can get more kills. The problem with this set up towards mission scoring is . . . it doesn’t work . . at all. AB and low level players do not rack up HUGE scores that need to be “penalized”, but no one takes that into consideration. Example: I can do the 45k score playing RB naval in 10 - 12 games, 16 tops . . . first day, no strain or pressure to perform. AB planes I can sometimes do it the first day, but it is a long day & that’s the mode I do best in consistently. Tanks . . . in the mode/BRs I mentioned . . all day, both days and it is extremely taxing, tiring and ridiculous . . . the scores just aren’t there, for anyone, not just me(I am pretty bad at tanks now, I do not play it like I used to) and this whole system that is granting players like you a “cakewalk” is hammering the vast majority of the player base that do not do it the way you do, it is very inequitable. Since you have all this extra time, seriously, go give it a try and see what you think . . .
With a casual playstyle and an average 2.0 k/d and 55% WR performance, I am the literal antithesis of a “tryhard”, hahahah.
I play War Thunder to sit back and relax listening to music, constantly alt-tabbing to watch Doctor Who shorts, memes, browsing Reddit, the Forums, reading/studying and talking to friends on Discord simultaneously, not caring one bit about K/Ds or WRs and playing only for fun…
“Sweat/tryhard territory” would be to sit on the edge of my seat to play in the most competitive way possible in order to achieve the highest possible stats.
Also, I didn’t do any “math”; the event tab tells you how many score points you have earned on a period of time.
It would be real neat if the score required was only 40k, instead of 45k… it’s not a massive difference but it certainly feels more fair. I hate being locked into the game for 16 days straight grinding (although I don’t find it too bad) my buddies never are able to get these, then I just get burnt out from over playing the game.
Which makes me not play for days until a couple weeks pass, that’s why I’ve been playing Baulders Gate 3 a ton, or something else like… cmon…
Then without actually knowing, you should say “The event is easy for me”, and you obviously do not care how it is for other players, a “closed loop”. Being dismissive of what others are saying because you can’t be bothered to see for yourself doesn’t make any of your statement anything but . … less valid. Just that the “I can do it easily/it’s not hard for me” only covers a very narrow spectrum and doesn’t mean the event is “good”, you have to look at the whole picture, not just the part that you are in, yeah? . . but at any rate, the penalizer/multiplier system is terrible for events and if not totally overhauled then it should just be scrapped altogether. But Gaijin has been handholding/coddling RB & high tier for a good long while now . . . I doubt that any of that will change. So I guess, just enjoy your “easy mode” and don’t give a second thought to any other players . . . it is what it is
You said that the -alleged- majority of players only average 800-900 score points per match…
800 score points is roughly what you get with 2 kills.
900 score points is roughly what you get with 2 kills and 1 assist.
Are you really telling me that the average player can only get 2K/2K+1A per match on average… and that, therefore, events should be built to cater them so they can get Top Tier vehicles by… merely getting 2K/2K+1A per match on average?
Honestly; if a player really can’t achieve more than 2K/2K+1A per match on average, I don’t see why they deserve to get free and easy access to a Top Tier vehicle.
no, not at all . . . again, you are looking at RB numbers, I am talking about AB . . . still one of the most played modes, even tho many just don’t wanna look at it. AB doesn’t pay the same as RB, there’s your first “nerf/penalty” or discrepancy . . . then on top of that, they penalize AB players for whatever score they do end up with. Don’t get me wrong, some players score really good and some games a lot of players rack up good scores. But for the most part, and especially during events, the games can and do end rather quickly and no one gets much. This is more normal than rare. Not trying to belittle or attack you, you’re actually one of the level headed ones I see on the Forum. But . . again, just because it is good/easy for you doesn’t mean the system is good or easy for everyone. Or in this case . . . not even good overall. Yes, I agree, not every single player should be able to waltz thru these events with their eyes closed, it should require some work, but . . . it’s the inequity and disparity between the various modes and BR’s that is the actual issue. It’s just too vast and far too spread out and . . . unreasonably not fair to far too many players . . . that’s all I am saying.
When you hear guys bragging because they made enough to make it tradeable 4 - 5 days before they even get it . . . . yeah, that’s a red flag that the system is broken. I just see no reason for players to be penalized and punished for their choice of mode/BR . . some, a little, yeah . . “reasonable” . . . what we have . . it ain’t that
Well, then as I said earlier; I have no experience with AB, so I can’t really talk about it because it is unwise to talk about something you aren’t well versed on; therefore, I only ever talk about RB, which is what I play.
If you say it is too difficult to grind events on AB, I’ll take your word for it! I have no way of checking, so I just trust those who actually play it, hahah.
Same goes for SB; I have no experience on SB, so I don’t have an opinion of that either.
Also, your 2000 score in higher BR RB nets, what . . 3200 towards the event. While an AB player in mid tier gets 2000 and will make 1800 - 2000 towards the event for the same thing . . . see the discrepancy I was talking about? Basically the same time & effort, VASTLY different rewards . . now multiply that by 20 games . . it becomes less a matter of “deserving”(and who decides that anyway??) and more a matter of even having a similar chance.
I have been lvl 100 for over 10 years, 60,000 AB matches, 170k spawns . . I have put in not only the time and effort, but then some more . . exactly how would I be “undeserving” because of the mode/BR I choose to play? I’m not sealclubbing new guys in tiers I & II . . where I play the competition and the players are all pretty good, nothing easy about it. I have 1,955 vehicles . . I don’t really need another, can’t play all I have now, and I don’t play the high BRs/tiers where this reward vehicle will be. But I might want to someday . . what is a good enough reason that I deserve a fair chance to get this event vehicle without spending 12 hours a day to do it?
I agree with you and I’ve been very critical about this in the past too, but at least they’ve finally removed the unfair x0,93 multiplier for Arcade and this is a good improvement over prior events. Credit where credit is due.
It’s not very well modeled. It needs way more time in the oven, I really hope gaijin addresses everything because they certain did not with the Vilkas which concerned me a lot. So-
If you do plan to get this vehicle with GE. I really highly suggest BEING VERY careful, it is currently not looking very great model wise. I’m also looking into the interior ammo stowage for the vehicle and it’s lead to some information its kept perpendicular to the vehicle on the left side near the rear of the door similar to how the mortar module holds extra ammo in the hull.
While this is true there are still ways to easily grind there as well. Problem is that diving to the nearest ground targets / base, dropping your ordnance and then going headon with the nearest enemy isn’t really fun in the long term.
Specially when several players are doing it too, where whoever has the fastest plane and/or spawned further into the runway wins the race.
But yeah… as you said. Ground events just require the ground player to play normally, except maybe for a bit longer than usual; air events require specific grind strategies and lots of time wasted to achieve the goal on the other hand, which leads to frustration and burnout.
Look at the other 4800sp military is rated for 2400 rpms
4800sp is divided into two categories special/military, obviously the vehicle is a military vehicle so it uses the military version. Hence the 2nd DEEP reverse which is not publicly available on the pdf.
Edit: engine is rated for 2300rpms so it is most likely 2300 rpms unless it’s not fully disclosed. Edited the issue to cover the idle RPM inaccuracy only.
Would be great if EVERY SINGLE SECTION DIDNT REQUIRE 45000 POINTS. I literally played for 6 hours straight today and just barely missed the goal. Gaijin, some of us actually have lives. When it was 20000 I could get on my grind and complete it if I only had a day off. Now you’ve doubled it, making it borderline impossible for anyone but the nolifes to achieve. Not to mention, I should have gotten it about an hour ago except for the fact that I was constantly getting screwed by your servers 5/6 deaths were to lag. Instead of adding a premium every other week, focus on keeping what was once a fun game playable.
It took me 8-12 matches to meet the goal. That’s about 2-3 hours of playing, not that bad but it also all depends on your score placement.
For me I place in the upper 70% for score averaging around 3-5k score per match. It really depends on how good you are at the game but 3 days is plenty to grind each one out.
I have a feeling it will be ignored considering I provided not only the manufacturer of the amap-b stating 14.5mm protection (stanag 4) as well as a boxer brochure directly from ARTEC also complimenting this and it was left on deft ears. I guess manufacturers are not reliable sources anymore.
Edit: I updated the issue to look cleaner and included all the important PDFs. Hopefully this incentivizes them to forward it to the devs.