Get the Boxer MGS in the Mobile Sniper Event!

Still they should adjust the name to match as this isnt a CV90120-T model and is as such an early prototype model then. The vehicle we have in game is a very strange vehicle.

(Still holding out hope they give us the water vapor cover system lol.)



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Where do they get the 815 hp for the Vilkas from?
Shouldn’t it have 720 hp just like this one?

Latest blocks of boxer have better Hp engines only earlier ones have the worse engine, in fact this one should have the better HP and the vilkas should have worse lol


Does the boxer have 2 PASEO sights? Based on the fact that such a sight on the Challenger 2 BN has an x8 zoom without the ability to switch, does this mean that there will be both sights without the ability to zoom on the release?

also spall liners in the hull when?

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also PASEO should have up to 15.2


There’s different variants of PASEO. For example: France and America will be using a version with a 4k day channel which achieves an identification range of >9km. Cockerill uses some other version with a HD channel and only >3.3km identification range. This either has 3 FOVs or what is shown on that brochure.

Currently, PASEO is modelled as 1x-8x (1x zoom isn’t modelled for sights in-game). This isn’t entirely accurate but Safran is real shitty with advertising these days.

Thx gajin, i look foward to unlock this one.
Please add more german vehicels.
More boxers! More Luchs more Fuchs, how about a Fenek with 40mm GMG? Some cool fetures like low thermal profile, hard to spot on radar… Just add more German vehicels!! The decals are littel off but ok, would be cool to have some more Battalion and pltoon markings. Just a wish. Thanks.


45k points per stage? Why don’t you make it a premium and put it up for sale as you clearly intend for the average player to puy it.

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Anyone else not getting the discounts for hitting the 39k/43k point marks? I’m up to 41k and it’s still 999 golden eagles to finish the tier.

I actually find 45k points every 2 days to be quite doable for most players!

The coupon, which requires 41k points every day, is much harder, if you don’t main that gamemode or don’t have much free time.

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i have work and studies normally i just get 20 k points first day and second i get the extra 25 k

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After all, 20k is like 9 average matches. At an average of 10 minutes per match + queue times, that’s like 90 minutes of playing.

Who doesn’t have time to play for 1.5 hours a day? As you prove, even a student who also works can do it.

That being said, if you want to get the marketplace coupon… that’s a whole different story, since we are entering 3 hour a day grounds and that’s probably too much for many people xD.


ye like hell im getting the marketplace coupon lol, also a good vehicle to do this event its the type 10, TKX since this vehicles can do a 1 tank team

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Took me an hour to get about 25k points today… that being said I abused the OP 2.0 German lineup with my event vehicle (PS, if you have a Rank 1 event vehicle, not only can you use it to get points but also any vehicle you bring along with it as long as you spawn the event vehicle at least once. I bring the Pz IV F1 and E, as well as the captured AMD 35 and the Pz II F which are all absolutely absurd vehicles)

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For real?
I thought only the event vehicle counts, not the whole lineup

Yup. Just like how if you bring a Rank III vehicle you can use as many Rank I-Ii vehicles as you want to grind for points, as long as you spawn the Rank III vehicle once.

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I cant and when you die quite often you cant rack up the points too. As its a event vehicle the cheaters once again come out and “you” as a avarage gamer got to compete with the try hards sweats and the cheaterrs.
So no, the avarage person with a work life and personal life got no chance to rack up that many points in such a short ammount of time. Peopel in ingame chat even avertise to “scam” the system by just recaping points. I understand that gajin wants to make it so it feels like you work for it but this get stricter and worse and more and more exploits are done by people that maake gajin increase the points you need for each event.

Its a spiral that is getting out of control.
In RB you need to get lucky in sim you need more then 1.5 houers, on avarage you can wait up to 30 min for a match.

Edit, for the 4th accivement i had to SUFFER! 6 houers in sim high tir untill i got barrly the points togther, one death leavers, air spam of biblical proporations, cheaters. The furstration cant be described.

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I don’t know…

For example; in 16 matches, I’ve earned 43,000 score points today.

Summing up all of these 16 matches’ played times, I get 124 minutes in total, AKA 2 hours.

That means that, as an average casual player (terrible player according to many, actually) and despite cheaters, I got 43,000 score points in just 2 hours.

That means I am currently getting 21,500 score points every hour.

I am extremely critical of Gaijin and War Thunder’s issues, but being completely honest, I see no issue with ground/naval event grinds.

I do, however, see an issue with air event grinds, because it is very easy to waste lots of time just dying unable to do anything, though; but on gamemodes where you can respwawn, I believe the score point requirements aren’t too bad for anyone willing to spend at least just 1 hour a day playing.

cheaters are quite annoying altough very skilless to the point that yesterday i bullied one so hard i got fanmail cuz he had aimlock but not aimbot