Get Strasbourg in the Raider Hunter Event!

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It’s time to hunt raiders! It was precisely for their attacks on Allied transport ships that the German Deutschland-class heavy cruisers, especially Admiral Graf Spee, became famous for. In response, France launched the Dunkerque-class battleships which were to become the natural enemies of the raiders. One of these ships, Strasbourg, is now the main reward in this new naval event!

From February 27th (11:00 GMT) until March 17th (11:00 GMT), earn mission points in Naval Battles, unlock stages and receive rewards!

Strasbourg — an event vehicle Battleship for France at Rank VI

Compared to its sister ship Dunkerque, Strasbourg has more armor and the same top speed of 54 km/h. Like Dunkerque, Strasbourg’s main caliber weapons are concentrated in the bow of the ship, which allows it to avoid exposing its side to the enemy, all while firing its impressive 330 mm shells. Strasbourg’s anti-aircraft capability is weak, but this ship is equipped with a radar meaning no air target will approach unnoticed.

Coat of arms of Strasbourg decal

Commemorative medal of the battleship Strasbourg decal

Strasbourg loading screen

Bicolor geometric camouflage

Among the rewards in the event is also this chest. When opened, there is a chance to receive one of the following items:

  • 50,000 - 100,000 Silver Lions
  • Silver Lion and Research Point boosters
  • Random Wagers and Orders
  • Universal Backups (1 - 3)
  • A random camouflage for a vehicle you own
  • 1 day of Premium Account

How to get all rewards

Each stage can be obtained for 45,000 mission points, where every new stage obtained will give you a new reward.

Please note: After finishing a stage, you need to collect the reward manually. To do this, click on your name in-game, go to “Raider Hunter” and click the “Get Reward” button.

You’re able to earn mission points in Naval Battles at Rank III or above in Arcade and Realistic Battles. The number of mission points to complete a stage depends on the game mode and the maximum Rank of the vehicle that you use in battle. There’s a multiplier for earning mission points, which is shown in the task description in-game.

You can also earn mission points by using event vehicles that are Rank I and II. Event vehicles that can be used have the name of the event that they were obtainable in on their stat card.

Stages change every two days at 11:00 GMT on March 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th.

Rewards are given when you complete a specific number of stages

  • For 1 Stage: trophy with a random reward
  • For 2 Stages: one of the decal rewards
  • For 3 Stages: trophy with a random reward
  • For 4 Stages: one of the decal rewards
  • For 5 Stages: trophy with a random reward
  • For 6 Stages: “Strasbourg” loading screen
  • For 7 Stages: trophy with a random reward
  • For 8 Stages: non-tradable coupon for Strasbourg
  • For 9 Stages: unique Strasbourg bicolor deforming camouflage and four random modifications for Strasbourg

Please note: You’ll only be able to receive the random modifications if you have Strasbourg activated on your account.

Discounts on purchasing stages using Golden Eagles

Incomplete stages can be purchased for Golden Eagles, but if you’re significantly close to completing a stage, its price will now be significantly reduced.

Let’s say you have earned 85% of the required mission points to complete a stage, then the price of purchasing this stage will be halved. If you’re near the finish line for a stage and are at 95% progress, then the price will be reduced by five times. For example, if you’ve scored 39,000 mission points, then the price for unlocking this stage will be 499 Golden Eagles. If you’ve scored 43,000 mission points, then you’ll only need to pay 199 Golden Eagles. Remember to keep this in mind if you cannot complete a stage on time!

The Upgrade for coupon

When you complete 8 stages, you’ll receive a non-tradable coupon for Strasbourg, where using it will immediately activate the vehicle onto your account. If you don’t want the vehicle and would like to sell the coupon on the Market, you’ll need the “Upgrade for coupon” item.

The “Upgrade for coupon” item can be earned in parallel with the stages throughout the event from February 27th (11:00 GMT) until March 17th (11:00 GMT) for 750,000 mission points.

After receiving the “Upgrade for coupon” item, you can convert a non-tradable coupon for the vehicle into a tradable one and sell it on the Market. The tradable coupon can be sold after 6 days from the moment it’s created.

The “Upgrade for coupon” item is valid until March 20th (11:00 GMT). Until this time, you can use it or exchange it for War Bonds. Afterwards, it’ll disappear from your inventory.

To make a tradable coupon, select the “Coupon Strasbourg (France)” in your inventory and click the “Modify” button.

You can track the progress of completing stages and receiving the “Upgrade for coupon” by clicking on your Nickname > Achievements > Raider Hunter. If you don’t manage to complete a stage on time or would like to purchase a stage, until March 20th from the Achievements window, you can purchase each stage with Golden Eagles which will give you the corresponding rewards.


All 4 of the naval players are going to be ecstatic! What an amazing boat


Now we’re talking






Am I a prophet? :o

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If I have Dunkerque, why would I want Strasbourg?


Extra spawn and thicker armour, you could also just not get it if you aren’t interested in it


How do I actually get points for Naval battles? I own the Murmansk but never figured out how to get a lot of points.

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Just shoot things, damage gives you points


Naval Realistic Battles, Arcade or Enduring Confrontation? By the way, any specific tactic? In the case of the Murmansk, should I use HE, SAP HE or APCBC?

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AB and RB. Not sure EC works for events. In general HE shells against smaller ships, SAP/AP against larger ships usually and just shoot, shoot, shoot and try to aim for boiler rooms and ammo racks.


But boring, I would do at least to sell this boat, but 750 thousand points is too much for a floating magazine that explodes from the slightest hit

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And what will the 50mm give you? Nothing it’s still a weak ship that’s a floating barge for ammunition, playing mississippi, dunkerque is a free frag, same for scharnchort, I’d rather get to the uk, nelson’s twin this one at least doesn’t explode


This is why Mers-el-Kébir was justified.


Set a keybind to fire the primary weapons. Aim at enemy ships and fire


You pick up one of the most egregiously overpowered boat at the lowest BR yet highest possible rank, and inflict mass pain on 16 other people. This is the only reason to grind PT boat trees, they have some of the most disgustingly effective event grinders in the game.
If you only have Murmansk, you’ll have to do it the hard way of actually playing random battles since EC will only be available on weekends anyway.
If you are confident enough you’ll get score in RB, go for RB for the extra multiplier.


The extra spawn is not convincing. There is usually no point in spawning another capital ship.
I haven’t seen the data, but is the armor significantly thicker? You lose the 30% research bonus in arcade with Strasbourg. Not sure which to tali and spade.

Most likely, I am not going to grind it.

You mean this one?
(I am a full-on train nerd, please ignore me :P)


Crazy multipliers for Naval make these naval event’s easy to grind